Fixing and time skip

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As Izuku looked at the care in shock he realized what this meant. "I got a car now!!!! I can finally become a Pro driver!" he yelled out running around the car. You see he didn't really want to be a her, he always wanted to be a racer in one way or another. " This, this is my golden ticket!" he exclaimed. He started to inspect the car and took notes of things that needed to be done to fix the car. "hmmmmmm" he thought as he inspected the car. " It needs a cleaning, new tires, maybe a spoiler, defiantly needs to be cleaned underneath, and a tuning" he mumbled to himself. "good thing I know how to do all this" he said happily. When he was younger he loved to read blueprints for cars and instructions of how to install and build certain parts, he did make the hero journals but that was more of a cover than anything. "I think its time" he said looking at the clock on the wall, seeing it was 11 o'clock at night. He rushes home and sneaks into his room. He grabs anything he can, his 3 sets of clothing, some food, all the money he stocked up ( around 1000 U.S. dollars or 135692 Yen), his tool kits, and extra notebooks and materials. He then left two notes for the abusers and the ones he loves. He than jumped out the window and ran back to his new home. 

When arriving back he put all of his stuff upstairs and looked to see what food was in the kitchen, if there was any. In the kitchen he found basic stuff like a coffee machine, ice maker, a bread maker, and a drying rack. There was also a small oven, stove top, and a basic fridge. He noted there wasn't any electricity at the moment. Inside the cabinets he found plenty of canned foods that should last him about a month or two in food. He also found some canned drinks and bottles of water. "this is so epic" he said as he walked downstairs. He found an old lantern and lit it up with some matched he found in the kitchen. "Now I got some light, lets see if I can find the power box" he said to himself walking outside. Walking around the building he finally found the power box. He flicked the lever over and a green light flashed on. "nice, now I got power throughout the hole building and not just the downstairs lights" he said walking back inside the building. He blew out the lantern and left it by the door as he closed the door. Looking back to the food in the cabinets he decided on making some simple tomato soup. After searching for a few minutes he found some pots and pans. "well it may be basic but its food" he said while starting to cook some canned tomato soup. "tomorrow ill run out to pick up some groceries" he thought while he poured the tomato soup into a bowl. As he walked into the living room with the soup he saw an old television. Going over to it he flipped it on, surprised it still works , and decide to see if it got any channels. "sighs, it doesn't pick up any channels" he said before realizing it has a DVD slot, "well, maybe there are some DVD's somewhere?" he questioned. Taking a spoonful of his soup before looking in the cabinet under the TV to find tons of DVDs. Quickly looking through them he pulled out Smokey and the Bandit "this looks interesting" (foreshadowing????) Izuku said as he put it in the TV DVD slot. He sat down on the small couch and ate the soup as the TV played. "This is a great movie!" he thought watching it fully. "what a nice car" he mumbled to himself "maybe one day ill get a huge collection, but not today" he mumbled before finishing his soup and the movie. He got up and rinsed out the bowl quickly before leaving it in the sink. He than looker over the railing and down into the garage and stared at the beat up Supra. "alright lets get to work" he thought has he headed downstairs. 

After heading downstairs he looked at all the tools he had there "a lot of old tools" he thought to himself before reading the labels "there from America?" he thought. "well it looks like I have everything I need to fix this car, I wonder where the owner went" he said " why would they leave the car with all the parts but not fix it?" He shook his head before heading underneath the car to begin working on it. 

Broom Broom I'm a time Skip!!!!!------------------------------------------1 Month- 15th Birthday---

izuku O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now