Battle of the moms

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In the city-

Mirko walked down the street, she had a bit of weight lifted of her shoulder recently due to a break through on the recent case regarding Brian. 'I'm glad we found the time the bombs were placed roughly, taking that time now Brian should have an Alibi' she thought to her self, stopping at a cafe  to order herself a coffee. She turned around with her coffee stopping herself when she came face to face with Inko, her mood seemed sour while Mirko's mood also turned sour seeing her, trying to walk past her.

"why do you keep trying to protect that.... that monster..." Inko asked stopping Mirko in her tracks, Mirko quickly turning back looking at her with a glare. "What did you say about MY son" Mirko asked, making sure to emphasize 'my' in her question, Inko's face turning even more sour as they looked at each other face to face. "I said why do you protect that monster, he planted bombs and hurt innocent people" Inko continued, Mirko looking at her with a displeased look before she responded, "because I know my son wouldn't do something like that, on top of that we have deduced the time within 30 minutes of it being planted, meaning we can prove or disprove his innocence, now don't talk about my son like you are." Mirko glared at Inko, making sure to get her point across, knowing Inko however...

"That monster beat the Todoroki twins, and the Bakugo twins, and my Izumi! he should be put straight to jail!" Inko yelled now causing a bit of a scene as people in the cafe stopped to see these two pro hero's beginning to argue. "Well your precious kids abused him his whole childhood! He never had a childhood because of them and is loaded with scars, mentally and physically! All those kids dont deserve to be her-" Mirko began to argue back before being slapped by Inko, everything went quiet as this happened, Mirko slowly turning her head to look at Inko. Mirko's eyes seemed to glow a blood red, her face shadowed by her hair as Inko began to sweat a bit "l look- " Inko began to stutter out a bit before a powerful kick hit her, Inko flew back into the wall, cracking it as she held her stomach, Mirko standing there with her leg up.

"First you insult my bunny, then you protect those assholes, and then you decide to hit me... this is classified as self defence..." Mirko says  as she slowly walked over, Inko slowly coming back to her senses as she held her stomach before being met with a strong kick to the side, an audible crack, her lower rib cracking from this strong kick as Inko flew across the room, bouncing of the ground and flying into the trash cans, trash covering Inko now. Mirko glared at her and turned around pulling out cash and dropping the cash on the counter. "Im sorry for the actions preformed here today, if this isn't enough to cover the repairs please contact my agency" Mirko quickly explained to the workers apologizing.

Mirko began to leave the cafe when she was suddenly flung across the room, Inko using her quirk to throw things at Mirko, chairs, trashcans, glass, etc. Mirko quickly gained her barrings back and started to jump around and dodge the object, quickly yelling out "Everybody get out! Shes going psycho", as she yelled this the customers nodded their heads or yelled out quick affirmations as the began to exit the Cafe as quickly as possibly. Mirko glaring at Inko, Mirko now getting into a fighting mindset as she rushed at Inko, ducking and weaving in and out of the things Inko threw at her. "You have gone to far Inko!" Mirko yelled as she reached Inko, Inkos eyes widening as a foot was met to her jaw, sending Inko upwards, blood pouring out of her mouth as Mirko jumped up and delivered another strong kick to ribs again, the first broken rib now shattering a bit, and two more ribs breaking. 

Inko hit the ground hard as she clutched her side, coughing up some blood as as laid there, her jaw broken, her ribs broken,one of the ribs hitting her lungs but not puncturing it, and more so her pride, pretty messed up as Mirko walked over to her. "Seeing you cough up blood may hint at one of your ribs hitting you lung, if i were you I would stay down" Mirko said looking down upon her, no pity behind her gaze. Inko looked up at her, slowly trying to get up before falling back down, Mirko commented, " If you insulted me while talking to Brian and did what you did, you would be in a much worse position, so be grateful im not like Brian in that sense." 

Mirko took on last look at Inko, hearing sirens coming towards them Mirko walked outside, already spotting multiple cameras on the way out, sighing in relief as she knew there would be hard evidence on what happened here today. Mirko walked towards the first responders, quickly filling them in on what happened, being cooperative with what they needed...

Somewhere else-

Over the radio an announcer could be heard, "... the Pro heros Mirko and Green Physic have gotten into a major fight at local cafe.... According to responder's nobody was hurt beside the two and there is video footage of what have happened and is currently being reviewed...'

Brian sighed hearing the radio, wondering what happened as they drove down the dirt roads of the forest...


Hey there! Thanks for holding out for the next chapter and Thank everybody who is still ready my story! I Have a question for yall! In the story im prewriting should Mirko be

 A) Mama Bunny again?

B) Bunny lover?

Ill let yall decide! If yall want her to be Mama Bunny please leave a ship you would want to see then!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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