Return of the past

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Brian woke up the next day feeling well rested in his new home. He let out a smile as he looked out the window to see the birds chirping and flying about. All of a sudden Mirko came busting through the door "Brian!!!!!!" she yelled out stopping just inside the door. "The principle of U.A. called, saying he needs you for a job" Mirko started saying "we also need to get you a phone after you get back from this job offer or whatever we need to go pick up a phone for you to." She finished. "Alright alright" he says getting out of bed rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, "what time" he questions. "9 am, so around 2 hours" Mirko says before walking starting to walk away. "I'm off to hero work, be safe baby bunny!" She says slightly teasing him. "Alright mama" Brian responds before getting out of bed and taking his shower. After getting out of the shower he looks in the mirror tracing over many of the scars he has from his past. The biggest one he had was from his left shoulder blade all the way to his right side waist line. When the crew first saw all the scars the were about to commit murder. Brian chuckles remembering how the women kept asking if he was alright, while the men were grabbing weapons and tools about to murder someone. After looking at it he thinks about how he got it. He remembers seeing Izumi holding him in the air, while the todoroki twin made super sharp ice blades before giving them to the bakugo twins, who slice from his left shoulder blade to his right side waist line. Quickly shaking the memory away he hurries and gets dressed and heads out to the garage.

"What am I gonna take" Brian wonders to himself before his eyes landed on the Roadrunner. "Perfect" he says to himself before getting in and starting the engine. "I love that sound" he thinks to himself before driving towards UA college. Whole driving he was getting many looks from people, as he was driving a powerful classic American muscle car, something that almost never happens in Japan. While driving there he spots a bakery and looks at the time. "I got an hour extra before I need to be there" Brian thinks to himself, "plus I'm really in the mood for some sweets and a coffee.

He pulls into the bakery and parks his cars. Many point at the car with amazed faces as he walks in to the bakery. Waiting in line he sees a certain green haired girl infront of him. She looked like she was looking for something, that's when he overheard her telling the cashier she must have forgot her wallet and that she'll have to comeback another time. "I'll pay for it" Brian says surprising the girl. "No you don't have to" she starts to day in a cute voice, "I would like to though" Brian says already handing his debit card to the cashier. "T-thank you" the girl says with her tounge poking slightly out the side of her mouth. "My pleasure ms" Brian starts, "Tsuyu, but you can call me Tsu" she says. "Brian" he responds that a smile before grabbing her order and handing it to her. "I hope to see you around" he says giving Tsu a smile. "Y-you too" Tsu says with a blush before walking out of the bakery.

After eating a muffin and drinking a coffee and grabbing another coffee for the road, Brian walks outside where he sees 5 certain people he didn't want to see. The pomeranian twins, candy cane twins, and a certain broccoli girl. "Why do they have to be here?!?!?" Brian yells to himself walking slowly to his car, which they were right by.

"Man I deserve a car like this!" Izumi exclaims stareing at the car, "especially since I'm the future number 1 hero" she smugly adds. The Todoroki twins shake there head in dissapointment, which Brian made note of, while the bakugo twins agreed with her. "Yeah! In fact who ever owns this car should just give it to you because of that!" Katsuki says proudly. Brian shakes his head in dissapointmenr before pulling out his keys and starting to unlock his car. The group looked at him in shock as he looked like their age but had a car like this. "Who are you Extra!!!" Katsumi yells at him. "I'm the owner of this car, now please move away I have a meeting I need to get to" Brian says opening the door. "W-well" Izumi starts, not use to people talking like that to her, "you have the owner of meeting and giving your car to the future number 1 hero" Izumi finishes with a prideful smile. "Really where? All I see is a bunch of brats" Brian starts making them all gasp, "plus I'm not giving away or selling this car, it was a gift from some very special people." Brian finishes. "B but my dad is the number 1 hero! I demand you hand it over!" Izumi shouts stomping her foot on the ground. The bakugo twins agree with her but the Todoroki twins seem embarresed by their behavior and slowly back away. "I don't care who your God damn father is, this car is staying with me. Now I have to go" Brian says starting the engine and revving it a few times before speeding off. "Ughhhh" Brian says, " I don't think hey changed at all."

5 minutes later he parked outside of UA and headed to the gate. "You Brian?" a homeless looking guy asked, better know to Brian as Uncle Aizawa. "Yeah, and you are" Brian question despite already knowing. "Aizawa" he states "follow me" he finishes says leading Brian to Nezu's office. "Alright Eraserhead" Brian says following him, surprising Aizawa thaot he knew he was Eraserhead. "Alright here you are" he grumbles out before walking away. Brian chuckles before knocking on the office door. "Come in" a muffled voice yelled out. Brian enters the office and closes the door behind him to see a Nezu sitting at his desk with a smile.

"Brian O'Connor, please have a seat" Nezu says in a cheerful seat. Brian does just that and greets him, "Princible Nezu." " I got a heck of a job though though like bullet" Nezu starts " you will be payed 1 million yen for your job of course." Brian thinks for a minute before asking "what is this job?" "You'll be a distraction driver for our truck, you'll be a bait in a sense for the villians to aim for while are truck gets to its destinations around a 2 hour drive from here" Nezu states putting the whole job on the table. Brian smiles " right up my line of work!" Brian exclaims, "when and where?" he finishes. Nezu smiles "tommorow at 10 am, meet here. Glad to have you aboard" he finishes in a cheerful voice with his hand out for a handshake. "The pleasure is all mine" Brain shakes his hand and walks towards to door. He opens the door and walks out of the door but right before before closes the door he says soemthing quietly so only Nezu would here it but would shock him, "Uncle Nezu." The door shut as Nezu sat there in silence until a smile crept onto his face. "I see my favorite nephew is back" he says with a smile and slight tears in his eyes. He starts to call up all of Brian's aunts and uncles and cousin figures but not the 5 tormentors or Bitch Might and Ink-hoe. "Guess who's back in town..."

As Brian walks out to hiw car he runs into the one and only, bitch might. "Hello there young citizen. I would like to buy your car for my little prin-" he starts before Brian cuts him off, "no, not for sale." All might stands there stunned, no ones has done that to him before.  "Listen here you, I'm the number one hero!" Bitch might started. "So what bitch might" Brian said getting in his car and starting the engine, "my mother is a hero to,, and relatively high ranking. She's also a way better hero than you. You are not special." Brian finished stating before  looking at bitch might's face. Brian smirked before pulling out of UA and speeding home. All might stood there stunned at how he was just talked to.

Brian laughed to himself and held himself with pride for standing up to his ex-father.

To be continued...

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