First day as a student and teacher

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'Well todays the day" Brain thought to himself as he pulled into the parking lot of UA in his Plymouth Roadrunner. "This is kinda nerve racking" Brian said quietly to himself before remembering what mama Mirko said to him this morning. "You got this!" she said before giving him her signature smirk, "and kick their asses! Put them in line!!!" He smiles to himself as he remembers this. Brian steps out of his car getting many looks, not just because of his amazing car, but also because of the outfit he chose to wear today. 

(No face mask)

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(No face mask)

"Is he a student" "he is gonna get expelled for sure" "who the hell is that" is many of the whispers Brian heard walking into the building. "mhhhhhhh, wear is 2-A?" Brian questions to himself while walking around the maze like building. "Ughhhhh" Brian groaned out before bumping into a certain pink girl. "Excuse me" he said before apologies "Sorry for bumping into you cutie, but do you by chance know where 2-A is?" "Y-yeah" she starts out being flustered, not noticed by Brian somehow, "I am heading t -that way myself." She says before starting to walk towards 2-A with Brian in tow. "I-I'm Mina Ashido" she says introducing herself, after calming ehrself down that is, "Brian" Brian responds with a simple nod and smile. "So are you a student?" Mina starts, "If so your probably gonna get expelled for the dress code." "Im sorta a student but I also got here with a few special conditions" Brian says before realzing they were in front of the door. "Well i will see you later Mina" Brain says with a smile, "but I got to meet someone out here first." "Well alrighty than" Mina says giving a bright smile, "I will see you later Brian." she finishes before walking into the classroom. 

Brian goofs off on his new phone while waiting for a certain homeless looking guy. "Brian" Aizawa says walking up to him with a slight smile. "Uncles Aizawa!" Brian says in a whisper shout before giving him a big hug, which Aizawa happily returns before breaking away a minute later. "Alright when I give you the que" Aizawa starts, "walk in and introduce yourself." "Got it!" Brian says giving him a thumbs up. "Oh also" Aizawa adds, "Your teaching the class driving and then we go to heroics training" he says while walking into the classroom. 

"Shut up!" Aizawa says out to his class, they all quickly snap their heads to see him and rush to their seats quietly. "Alright, you guys wasted 5 seconds" Aizawa stats, "What a waste." The class feels a bit bad at that but also determined knowing they are getting better. "Now I am sure you guys have heard about the new class were gonna have have. Advance driving." Aizawa says. Everyone in the class nods their heads except one. "Why do we need some stupid driving class!" Katsuki yells out gaining the agreement from his sister and Izumi. "Because not all of us can fly or get around quickly with their quirks" Aizawa starts "What if your quirk gets disabled? Being able to know some more advanced techniques will help you get to the crime quicker than running or by driving without the knowledge." "Now, you teacher has a reputation that proceeds him all around the world" Aizawa starts as Brian walks gaining the gasp of many people in the room, "What he will teach can save many lives. He won't teach you everything he knows but he will try and teach you  part of what he knows. I introduce your new teacher, Brian O'connor" Aizawa finishes giving Brian a small smile. "What's up class, whos ready to do some driven!" Brian says with a smirk. "YEAH!!!!!" many of the yell out. 

"First though' Brian says, "I m gonna answer a few questions." "Yes, I am Tenya Lida and i wanna know how your our teacher when your our age!" Lida says kinda triggered. "Well i'm a special case, I am half teacher half student. Next?" Brian answers. "I am Denki Kaminari and I wanna know if your gonna teach us to be super cool drivers!" Denki yells out. "OF course!" Brian yells back  showing excitement. Brian than notices the 5 girls he saw before and gave them a wink. All the girl blushed seeing this. All of a sudden "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU DEKU!!!!" Izumi yells out. "I am here to teach and learn" Brian says before placing a hand on the hilt of one of the three knives he has on his belt. "W-W-well" Izumi starts before seeing Brian's hand on a knife, she instinctively rubs her hand where he stabbed her last time. "Is there a problem with that?" Brian  smirks, "Also its not 'DEKU' it Brian you twit" Izumi sits down quickly angered and embarrassed by this interaction between the two. "ERGHHHH you stupid DEKU!!!" the Bakugo twins yell rushing at him before getting kicked in the back by Brian, who jumped over them and used Mirko's training and combat moves to kick them down onto the ground. "Shut up and go back to your seats" Brian says giving them a death glare. The Bakugo twins reluctantly head back to their seats grumbling all the way there. "Now I am going to be yall's teacher and fellow student until we graduate." Brian starts, "I hope we get along during the few years were together!" Many found a respect for Brian in just his few spoken words, others had mixed feelings so far, while a select few hated him. "Welp that about it" Brian says before starting to head towards the door. "You will all find that a new racing suit is now stored with your hero suit. You are all required to wear it while in my class to help prevent injuries. Now hurry up and get changed and meet me at City Delta, now known has Race course Alpha." Brian says before walking out.

"This is gonna be fun.." Brian says walking out.


Thanks you everybody for 2000 reads and more!!!! I truly never expected to receive this many reads. In honor of this feat I have started a drawing to be showcased in this story, It may end up being the hero costume for him in this story or the next story. We will figure it out. Thank you all again for joining Izuku on his life journey as Brian O'connor. 


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