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Brian drove into the UA parking lot in his R34 Skyline ready for these job today. He had his knifes strapped onto his hip and leg and a single handgun strapped to his left thigh, incase it goes south at some point. He arrived around 20 minutes early and headed up to Nezu's office. "I hope this job goes smooth" Brian thinks to himself as he stand outside the office door before knocking. " Come in" he heard Nezu say, Brian walked in not expecting to see his old but real family members. 

"I-Izuku is that you" Rei said with tears in her eyes but a hopeful look to them, "Its Brian now but yes, I am back" Brian says with a smile before opening his arms for a big group hug. "Izuku!" they all yelled out excited to see there nephew again, "where have you been? Do you even have a place to stay?" Aizawa ask him seriously. "I've been all over and yes I have a place to sta-" Brain started until the door flew open and the bitch family walked. "Where is Izuku?!?!? I know you yelled his name out!" Inko yelled out looking all around until her eyes landed on Brian/izuku. "Izuku" she said happily running to give  him a hug but he just side stepped her. "No, i'm not Izuku" he said firmly, "I am Brian O,connor." he said glaring at his old family. "Don't try and touch me either" he said hardening his glare. "But brother" Izumi started slowly walking towards him, "I am not your brother!" he yelled out at her. "Yes you are! Your Izuku Yagi!" Izumi yelled out before lunging at him with her quirk active trying to hold him in place. "I warned you" Brian said quietly before grabbing a knife of his belt and stabbing it through her hand and ripping it back out. "AAHHHHHH!!!" she yelled out holding her hand in pain. "That isn't even a hundredth of what you put me through for years, years of torture and neglection and pain." Izuku said glaring at her while wiping of his knife. "Young man put that knife away now and get home!" Bitch Might yelled at him about to attack. "Actually you can't tell him what to do and legally you can't really attack him" Nezu said out loud smirking. "W What?" the Yagi family questions. "He is protected by almost every government because of some jobs him and his crew did, all without quirks if i might add" Nezu said shocking everyone in the room minus himself and Izuku. "For second year college student I figured they would be smarter" Izuku said staring at Izumi who was just getting up from the floor holding her hand. "Yeah I thought that too" Aizawa said glaring at the Yagi family. "Erghhhh" all might started to make an angry and annoyed sounds. "As your father I demand you put those weapons down, give your cars to your sister and her friends, and return home!" Bitch Might said while the torments except the Todoroki twins smirks and nod their heads. "Yeah c'mon baby bo-" Inko started before a knife flew past her face, cutting her cheek a little, and stabbing into the door behind them. Inko held her cheek in pain and a slight fear looking at him. "Oh did I mention" Izuku says quite cheerfully, "I got a real mother who loves and cares for me, like and actual mother should." "W WHo is that bitch! She not your mother!" Izumi yelled out angering Izuku more. 

All of a sudden the door bust open again "Who the hell is yelling and threating my baby bunny!" a very angry mama rabbit yelled out. "Y-You?!?!" Inko yelled out in anger. "Yes me, now leave my son alone" she said aggravated walking over to here son and hugging him while resting her chin on his head. "Mama stop that" Brian said to her but she payed no mind and kept hugging him and resting her chin on his head. "Y-your lying! You brain washed him and kidnapped him!" All might says going to attack until he was hit by a kick from Gran Torino in his injured side, sending him back to the ground. "Actually I'm legally her son" Brain says, "I signed the adoption papers."

Everyone stood there shocked, learning that not only did Mirko adopt a son, it was Brian, their nephew that just returned. "Well he is my son! Give him bac-" Bitch might said before getting hit in the head by a cane from Recovery Girl. "Leave them alone!" Recovery Girl started "we raised you better then this. What would Nana think?" Recovery Girl started at All might with disappointment and anger as he deflated back into his skeleton form. "He is my brother though!" Izumi yelled out. "Do sibling attack their siblings! Crush their dreams, give them permeant scars and damage, both mentally and physically?!?! No they DON'T!!!!! You don't even know what Brian went through because of you and your stupid family and friends!" Mirko yelled out tired of their shit. "Enough!" Nezu yelled out causing everyone to stop and look at him. "First, it good to see you were adopted by a very caring and capable mother like Mirko here" he started while Rumi/Mirko gave Inko a smug grin and victory face, "two, He is legally adopted by Mirko here, so Yagi's" Nezu continued, the Yagi's looked at him ready to hear they could take Izuku but to his 'home', "You have no rights to him." "Whattt!" The Yagi family yelled out, "b-b-but" they started but was cut off. "No buts, if you try to interfere I will expel your from the hero course and this college, I don't care if your the daughter of the number one hero or not, Got it?" Nezu stated leaving no room for compromise. "Y-yes uncl-" Izumi started, "You don't get to call any of us Uncle or Aunt after what you did" Nezu said glaring as all the aunts and uncles joined in glaring at the Yagi family. "Y-yes sir" Izumi said still holding her injured hand. "Good" Nezu said still glaring slightly at them. "Now get out of my office you 7!" Nezu yells out pointing at the Yagi family and the tormenters. All left with there heads hung low and tails tuck between their legs. "Stupid deku" the Bakugo twins mumbled out as they left the office. 

As this was going on we flip over to see Brian being held in Mirko's lap on the nearby couch, Mirko cuddling with her baby bunny making sure he was ok. "You sure your ok" she ask Brian for what seemed the hundredth time. "Yes mama" Brian responds with a smile before getting off her lap, much to the dismay of the mama rabbit, and heading back to the desk Nezu still sat at. 

'Well the job may be a bit delayed but I can still do it" Brian said looking at the clock seeing it was 9:55. "That is how it seems" Nezu smiles before handing him half of the money and the location of where to meet the truck. "Good luck nephew" Aizawa says, giving a rare smile. 'Thanks' Brian says about to walk out of the office. "Great to have you back!" all his aunts and uncles yelled out to him. Brian turned around right before he left and gave them a big smile "Its great to be back!"

To be continued......

Thanks you guys and gals so much for 1000 reads!!!! I never thought this book was going to get that many reads so quickly! Thank you for all the support and staying with me so far! Make sure to keep a look out for new chapters! 

cya next chapter! :D

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