hero training?

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Izuku walked into the school wearing a relatively basic outift. He is seen walking into school with a pair of cowboy boots, pair of jeans, a button up shirt and a cowboy hat. He was feeling pure American at this point.

As he walked into the school many stared at him, mostly the girls, they were surprised at the fact a cowboy looking guy walked dinto their college

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As he walked into the school many stared at him, mostly the girls, they were surprised at the fact a cowboy looking guy walked dinto their college. Their in Japan a super American guy walked in, not knowing his Japanese background even though he looks pure American.  As he walked he failed to notice how to girls all blushed and covered their faces.

He finally reach Class 2-A, "ahhh here we go" Brian mumbled to himself before walking in. As he walked 8n he failed to notice a certain set of girls that looked at him with hearts in their eyes. But they noticed each other, and instantly the girls knew, they needed to have a 'big talk.

"That isn't the uniform" a certain robotic person said, " you are breaking the rules and should be expelled immediately! Especially for what you did to Katsuki!" "Who are you?" Brian questions staring at him with an eyebrow raised. "I'm Tenya Lida fro-" Lida started to say until being interrupted by Brian. "I asked for your name, not your life story." Brian said staring at him. "Yiur are certainly a rude individual! You have no place in this school and I shall escort you out like a good student!" Lida said before wearing up to Brian grabbing his arm. "I'll give you to the count of 3 to let go" Brian said. "No, you ate leaving this school, you have no place" Lida said trying to drag Brian out, failing to hear Brian 3. "Alright I warned you" Brian said, and right when the got to the door frame Brian twisted his arm out of Lida's grip, than grabbed and twisted Lida's arm and slammed him into the door frame. He then yanked him back and slammed his head, face first into the door frame. "I warned you" Brian said looking down at him.

Lida face was covered in blood as blood came from his head, nose and mouth. " Y-you Villian!"Lida yelled getting up about to attack. "Enough" Aizaea said, to tired to really care, "Lida he did warn you and he acted in self defense. He also has special permission on certain. School rules such as dress code. Now go see recovery girl and clean up." Aiziawa finished saying looking at Lida. Lida wordlessly left the classroom, heading towards recovery girls office, his mind full of hatred towards Brian.

"Brian" Aizawa said gaining the attention Brian, "go sit by Mina." In Mina's head thoughts were rushing through it at light speed. The most handsome perosn she ever met and her crush is gonna sit next to her!!!! She raised her hand allowing Brian to know who she was and where. "Hiya Pinky" Brian said with a smile as he sat down at his desk, feet on the desk itself and himself leaning back in the chair. "H-Hi" Mina said back gaining a shade of lavender to her cheeks. "I'm mina Ashido!" She replied happily, "Brian" he said shaking her hand. 3 other girls were jealous of this interaction.

All of a sudden there came a set of heavy sounding footsteps came rushing towards their directions, a pair of light one followed closely behind. Brian instantly knew who it was and banged his head down hard on his desk. All of a sudden the door to the classroom busted opened and a certain Bitch Might came strolling in followed by a Green physic. The two heros and people Brian hated, his ex parents, if they were technically even considered parents.

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