Finishing the job

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After a small drive Brian meet up with the truck he was suppose to help guide to the medical lab around a 2 hour drive away. 'You ready to go" Brian says up to driver in the truck. The truck driver says nothing and starts on the path, "rude" Brian mumbles to himself following closes behind the truck.  Brian makes sure to keep looking all over for any suspicious cars that seemed to follow or trail them.

For the first hour things seemed fine until a 20616 blue Lamborghini Huracan started to speed up. "I see you" Brian says to himself before swerving to the side of the truck speeding up, catching the attention of the driver in the Blue Lamborghini. Brian being Brian decided to tick him off a little and speed up more before yanking his car left and than right super hard while applying the brakes and putting his car in reverse. Now Brian was driving 90 mph backward with his hand out the window flipping off the Blue Lambo. 

    (This except Brian in his R34 Skyline)

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    (This except Brian in his R34 Skyline)

This got the attention of the Lambo driver who sped up even more going after him. "Gotcha" Brian thinks to himself before performing another 180 and speeding down a side road off the highway, away from the truck, with the Lambo in hot pursuit. "Come on, come get some" Brian said to him self speeding down the road with a bunch of twist and turns, going down and then up hills. As they were speeding down the road Brian couldn't help but laugh, "this is so much fun, reminds me of the gang" he said aloud to himself.  After about 15 minutes of driving Brian had his fun and was ready to lose whoever this guy was. Seeing a blocked off on ramp he started to speed up towards it. Just like he hoped the Lambo sped up more, then the driver of the Lambo seemingly had enough hit the Nitro boost in his car speeding up even more. "To early" Brian thinks to him self before applying his emergency brake briefly and yanking his wheel left and than to the right and applying the gas. He drift to the left making a 180 straight past the Lambo who in surprise didn't see the closed on ramp until it was to late to stop. The blue Lambo went through the caution sign and flying of the on-ramp before hitting the ground hard on its nose. Wrecking the car and makin git unmovable or drivable. "Now let catch up to the truck' Brian said to himself happily speeding off back to the highway and back to the truck.  

Back to the Lambo we see a figure climbing out of the car. He had black hair and certain purple scars that appeared to be stapled to his skin "just who are u?" the man says to himself. "Oh I miss you little cousin" the man says, "if only I noticed what that stupid family had been doing to you, I wish I could have helped you." A slight tear running down his face before he quickly wiped it off and called for a portal out of there. 

Back to Brian, he finally caught up to the truck and finished helping the truck reach its destination. "Thank you" Brian says to the guard who gave him a 'receipt'  indicating that the truck and the package made it safe. Brian than speed off down the highway back to UA to get his other half of the pay. 'I wonder who was driving that Lambo" Brian thought to himself, "he seemed like a relatively good driver." 

About an hour later Brian pulled into the UA parking lot and parked his car. Getting out of his car he saw 5 ladies, one he recognized and 4 others he didn't. Walking past them he made note of their appearances, they defiantly look pretty to him, One had pink hair and a pair a brilliant yellow eyes and a steam punk looking set of goggles, another one had long black hair put into a pony tail with pair of black eyes, another one had a dark purple tomboyish hair cut and had aux cords attached to their ear lobes it appeared, than the other one had pink skin, pink hair, and some unique black and yellow eyes, and the last one was Tsuyu or Tsu, as she liked to be called. 

Brian smiled at the and gave them a friendly wave before heading inside of UA to meet up with Nezu. He failed to realize the blush he gave all 5 of the ladies. all of them had one thought on their minds "is he single" they thought dreamily. Back to izuku, who just reached the door to Nezu's office, politely knocked on the door. Earning a "Come in" from the one and only Rat God, Nezu. "Hey uncle Nezu" Brain said before giving him the 'receipt' "Here you go." "Why thank you and good job getting the job done so quickly" Nezu said before handing izuku the other half of the money he owed for the job. 'Well if that's it ima go" Brian said starting to head out. "Actually" Nezu said, catching the attention of Brian who stopped and turned back around to listen to what he had to say, "I got a proposition for you." "Go on" Brain said with a smile smile, interested on this proposition.  "well this college needs an advance driving course and you definitely have the qualifications for it if not the qualifications for advanced advance driving classes." Nezu started, gaining the attention of Brian who sat down on the couch near Nezu's desk. 'but your are a bit young so why don't you join UA as a 2nd student part time and as a Heroic Driving professor also part time?" "What?" Brain question "Why would the hero course need to learn to drive more advanced?" "Not all of them have quirks that allow them to get around the fast, having even 5 percent of the driving capabilities you have should allow them to reach emergencies quicker than before" Nezu stated. "Plus, you'll be a student in the 2nd year hero course automatically and you'll be paid!" Nezu said cheerfully. "And maybe you can get some revenge on some certain people" nezu said with a evil smile before letting out a sinister sounding laugh. Brian thought about this for a minute before also laughing slightly.  "Three conditions' brain said. "Shoot' Nezu said smiling, "One, I dont have to wear the uniform, two I can bail out of class anytime I want, and three I have access to all the tools and parts in the school and garage area for my cars and my heroic tools and stuff" Brian says with a slight smirk. Nezu thinks about it before smiling "Welcome to UA" he says. Brain smiles before saying "When do I begin?"

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this book and being patient throughout the entire process of it. NOw we are starting to get into the more juicy part of the story. Keep reading to find out what happens next on Dragon bal- *cough cough* sorry. I meant Izuku O'connor!

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