Chapter 5: Hit the road

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"Living the dream."

It could be heard before it was seen as 'Jojo' the campervan turned the corner to eventually come to a halt with a bounce outside the bookshop. Smoke billowed from the exhaust, but all of this didn't matter to Morton. All he could see was adventure and excitement.

Oliver turns off the engine and gets out of the vehicle. A smug expression plastered on his face as he looked at Morton.

"You did it! You actually bought a van for £300." Morton's eyes gaze over the vehicle, as he runs a hand over its slightly chipped paintwork.

"£100 actually." Oliver says with pride.

"Shit! How did you manage that? Did you sleep with the seller?" Morton laughs to which Oliver joins in with, masking the closeness of the question.

"No, I didn't sleep with him." Oliver says rather high pitched. 'Technically' he hadn't, but he would rather no one knew about his low point and the least said about the £1000 loan from his sister the better. Oliver much prefers the look on Morton's face, as if he were his hero.

"Well you have done well." Morton repeats as he makes his way to the back door, opening it to see nothing but a cavernous space. "And we are to sleep in here?" He questions, "won't it be a little snug?"

Oliver walks around the van to stand next to Morton, who was still staring at the space. "You're not looking at the bigger picture Morton. It's not about in here, it's about out there." Oliver points behind them. The world can be our bedroom. The stars our nightlight...."

Morton looks behind him. "Yeah, all I see is a street full of people right now. Maybe once we hit the road I will be able to imagine your world." He jests as he closes the door.

"Wow. So you really are doing this!" Both Oliver and Morton turn to see Clark emerge from the shop. He stands, admiring the van, hands resting on his hips.

"Living the dream." Morton says with a grin. "We don't all need a sugar daddy to whisk us away." He adds.

"Hey, watch it. Roshan and I are the same age." Clark bites back.

"Sorry... sugar boyfriend." Morton says, the last part out of ear shot, but loud enough for Oliver to hear.

"Anyways. You have a man who has good bartering skills, it seems." Clark says, to which Morton huffs.

"Oliver is not my man. We are just friends." He brushes past Clark and heads into the shop, leaving Oliver and Clark looking at each other.

"I won't miss those mood swings." Clark snorts, to which Oliver smiles.

"Excuse me." Morton soon returns carrying a small holdall which he hurls into the back of the van.

"Is that all you're taking? One bag?" Oliver questions, glancing at his huge hard backed case plus one extra bag.

"I don't need much. Just a few clothes and my charger, money. What else?" Morton shrugs.

"And what about washing clothes, washing yourself...personal effects." Oliver leans in a little closer to Morton as if he knew what he meant. But sadly he didn't.

"Personal effects?" He furrows his brow.

"Y'know... Condoms, lube, a few toys, a bit of porn ..." Oliver flicks an eyebrow. "I mean, you need to be ready for anything and I'm not planning on a dry spell."

"Oh... right." Morton gives a nervous laugh. "But we..."

"Not with you, you muppet." Oliver laughs. "I mean when we go out. Experience the nightlife, try some new flavours." He slams the door closed. "I have enough for us both, so don't stress."

Morton watches Oliver head around the van to the driver's side. He turns and looks at Clark. "Thanks, for the roof over my head and the job and..." Morton finds his nose begin to sniff, suddenly feeling emotional.

"Come here, you fool. You're not leaving the planet." Clark pulls him in for a hug, giving strong slaps to his back. "Just go enjoy and look out for each other." He pulls away, leaving Morton to just about nod in response as he now gets into the passenger seat.

Clark begins to wave them off before reaching forwards and banging on the window. Morton pulls the window across. "What is it?"

"Just wait a minute, I almost forgot ..." Clark rushes back into the shop before returning moments later with a box. He opens Morton's door and places the box on Morton's knee.

"What is this?" Morton questions, looking inside and pulling out a foil wrapped parcel.

"Roshan has made you a farewell picnic. There's also some homemade lemonade in there too." Clark beams.

"Aw, tell him thanks. He's a keeper." Morton laughs.

"I know." Clark giggles. He closes the door and steps back, giving one last wave as the campervan starts up and pulls away with a noisy clatter heading towards the road.

"So..." Oliver says as he glances over to Morton. "Where to?"

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