Final Chapter: Home

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"Our love making is gonna be bad for your health."

"You know you're gonna set the smoke alarm off with that and get us kicked out." Morton complains from the bed, still naked, with just a cotton sheet draped over him. He looks across the average sized room to see Oliver leaning out of the window, opened as far as it would go, puffing away on a cigarette.

"I like a smoke after sex ok? I'm surprised you didn't find them and give me the third degree already when you were rummaging through my bag this morning." He flicks the hanging ash from the tip as he sides eyes Morton.

"I feel I've learned more about you in the past three days than I have in the past seven months." Morton pulls back the sheet and swings his legs out of bed as his naked body makes his way towards Oliver. He rests his back against the wall as he watches Oliver's aesthetic, as he inhales the cigarette before exhaling it through his nostrils like a dragon. "And you're gonna have to cut down on those. Even if you look sexy."

"Don't start telling me what to do Morton." Oliver gets on the defence.

"If you say you only smoke after sex, our love making is gonna be bad for your health." He laughs, before taking the cigarette from Oliver's grasp, only to take a drag.

"Hey, that's mine." Oliver protests, trying to reach for the lit cigarette, now out of his grasp, Morton finally relents, handing it back.

"Come back to bed soon." Morton kisses Oliver on his cheek as he heads back to the comfort of the double bed, he snuggles into the sheets and lets his eyes flutter closed. He soon feels Oliver return. His body closes the gap as his arms pull Morton back towards him.

"Why did we take so long to get here?" Oliver sighs with contentment as his breath tickles Morton's shoulder.

"As long as we got here. That's all that matters." Morton utters back, he momentarily opens his eyes, watching as the opened window made the voile in front of it dance to it's silent tune.

"I'm happy Morton. I'm really happy." He says in a dreamy tone as his eyes seem to drift closed.

"Me too Olly..." Morton replies as he nestles further back, lacing his fingers in between Oliver's which were draped over his stomach... "But I want to go home."

"What?" Oliver lifts his head from the pillow. "Why?"

Morton manoeuvres around the bed to face Oliver. "I miss a comfy bed. I miss decent food. A good night out. I even miss the book shop. I know I need to find somewhere else to stay, but camping in a van, it's just not my thing. I know Clark won't really see me homeless and I could always stay at yours right?"

"Yeah of course, but... I thought this was our big adventure. I thought we were gonna discover new things..."

Morton smiles as he leans forwards and kisses Oliver tenderly on the lips. "I have. I discovered you. I don't need to travel around The UK in a van, looking for something, when I have all I have ever wanted right in front of me."

Oliver pulls Morton in close for a hug. The hold was so tight that words didn't need to be spoken. This was all he ever wanted anyone to ever say to him and now those words were being spoken, by none other than his closest friend. They finally pull apart, both feeling a little giddy with joy. "I love you Morton, you must know that."

"I love you too Olly." He grins, letting a small chuckle leave his lips. They hold eachother close once more.

"Ok Morton. Let's go home."


A/N We have reached the end of this little tale of friends who become lovers.

Thank you as always if you took the time to read, vote or comment.



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