Chapter 14: Skeletons and secrets

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"There's someone for everyone out there, they say."

Oliver manages to find a seat at the fairly busy roadside services. He looks around the place, full of people making the pitstop in their journey. He sees Morton waiting in the line at a bakery. He smiles to himself at what he may receive. A pastry did sound good. He continues to watch people. His eyeline makes a trail towards the restrooms where he sees a man. Tall, black hair casually swept into a side parting. His shirt, unbuttoned near the top, covered some denim shorts and the look was finished off with some white trainers. He couldn't have been more than mid to late 20s. 

Oliver wouldn't normally have been too bothered with maintaining his gaze upon the man, but here the situation seemed to be different, as this man was already looking at him.  Their eyes meet, just for a few seconds before the man breaks the gaze with a smile and looks down at his phone, which was in his hand. Oliver frowns a little in wonder. Was this man checking him out? He watches the stranger a moment longer, wondering if he will look up once again, but instead sees a woman now approach him, holding a toddler.  The man takes the child from her. The infant has the same jet black hair. It reveals the female in her entirety. She was pregnant, possibly reaching the finish line if her size was anything to go by. Oliver snorts out a laugh as he sees the three of them head away, with no more chaste glances heading his way. 

"Here you go, your lordship." 

Now placed on a tray in front of him, was a pain au chocolat and a cappuccino. "France and Italy in one meal." Oliver says with a smile as he breathes in the warm chocolaty aroma. 

"The cappuccino actually originated from Austria." Morton says as he sits opposite, with his identical order. 

"What?" Oliver looks at Morton with mild disbelief. "No it didn't!"

"Yes it did!" Morton insists. "Chef told me once."

"Oh right. Then it must be true." Oliver smiles at Morton's instance as he takes the frothy foam to his lips. "Well this one originated from the M1. 

"Made by Heather." Morton adds with a chuckle. They both look at each other and smile. A moment of ease was found between them as regardless of whatever happened the night before in the back of the van, they could still joke about the stupidest of things. 

"So?" Morton raises an eyebrow as he puts his cup back on its saucer. 

"So…. What?" Oliver meets the gaze as he takes another drink.

"That guy you were checking out. I saw you." Morton says, with a grin. 

"I wasn't checking him out. I think you'll find he was looking at me first." Oliver now lowers his cup to the table. "Anyways, he looked like he had his hands full."

"Yeah. I saw that too." Morton chuckles. "Damn shame." He glances up at Oliver, who was now taking a bite from his pastry. He clears his throat before asking. "Would you? Y'know, go with a married man?" 

Oliver looks up at Morton with surprise, hurriedly trying to swallow down the chocolate bread. "That's a grey area." He replies, grabbing a napkin. "Knowingly, no I wouldn't. But I think I have unknowingly."

"Really?" Morton leans in with this new found news. "How?" 

"We were talking about first kisses right? Well, mine was with a guy, who I found out was in a relationship." Oliver shrugs. The story may not have been as interesting as Morton had hoped. "I seem to attract the daddy type. I should know better. I know they want me because of how I look, not for who I am. They usually have skeletons and secrets hidden away, but they're just so hot and when you're in the zone, and you just want to get laid, it's maybe an afterthought." He looks at Morton's rather shocked expression. "I'm a mess right?" 

"No." Morton shakes his head, trying to sound reassuring. "I just… I guess I didn't think you'd be so…"

"So reckless? A total shameless slut who sleeps around? Morton I've already told you how I acquired Jojo." Oliver laughs. "Why are you so surprised?"

"Don't call yourself names." Morton puts his hand upon Oliver's arm. "You need to love yourself a little more. There is someone in this world who will love you for who you really are." 

Oliver glances at the hand, lightly stroking his arm before looking up at his friend. He sees that look in Morton's eyes, once again putting his thoughts in limbo. "Maybe." 

"There's someone for everyone out there, they say." Morton says as he retracts his hand. "We usually find them when we stop looking. So stop looking Oliver and then you will have it." 

"You are full of wisdom and facts today aren't you." Oliver says with a grin. 

"You learn a lot when you have not much else to do all day but read books for six months." Morton laughs before taking a large bite from his pain au chocolat.

Oliver smiles. Yes, he too had learned a lot over that time too. Being Morton's only company at Clark's store had brought them closer in many ways.

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