Light Shines, Lives Change

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The more your light is shining. The more lives are changing.

This is an inspiration given to me by the Holy Spirit. You see Jesus calls us lights but what is beautiful is Jesus also called Himself the light. The light in us is Jesus. When we allow Jesus to shine in us, shine in our character, behaviour, words, education, jobs, marriages, work etc we are letting Christ into those same areas allowing Him to transform them to reflect Him.

The more you allow yourself to grow deeper in intimacy, in relationship and partnership with Christ, the more lives begin to change. Deliverance takes place. Healing takes place. People are impacted because the light is flowing and reaching them. Let it be your heart's cry to let Christ shine in you so that people can see the glory of God in you and let that glory change them.

Read Matthew 5 and John 8.

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