Fear And Love

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The two driving forces to get someone to do things that their flesh may not want to do is fear and love.

There are two powerful ways you can get people to do something.

1 is out of fear. You can fear people in listening, obeying, and following you. People can listen, obey and follow you because they are scared, scared of consequences and what you can do to them. I think of an image of a child obeying their parent because they fear what the consequences will be.

There is also another way which is love.  You can obey someone, listen to them and follow them because you love them. You trust their wisdom, you respect their guidance and you believe in their understanding.

Love shows trust.

Love shows that you trust the person's words. I think of a child listening to their parent because they know their parent loves them and knows what's best.  No matter how difficult it is they know their parent wants only the best for them.

With these two powerful forces that get people to do things, God wants the latter. God doesn't want us to obey, follow and listen to Him because we are afraid of Him. He wants us to do it out of love. He wants us to be cheerful givers. He wants us to be content followers and loving servants. God wants us to not follow Him as a religious habit but as a loving relationship.

So ask yourself what is your motivation for reading the word of God, praying and seeking God. Is it fear or is it love?

If not love. Let it be love.

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