We know that idols don't satisfy us yet we still chose this them over the Lord

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We know that idols don't satisfy us yet we still chose them over the Lord. A reason is that idols don't require denying yourself or seeking holiness. You can feel comfortable in your sin because you are living idolatry, seeking help and comfort from something that wasn't meant to be your comforter and your jpeace. It leaves you where your act with a false sense of safety. God gives real safety that might always feel comfortable or popular but it won't leave you more empty than you started. Jesus gives a peace that surpasses all understanding and is something nothing else in this world could ever give (Philippians 4:7). Idols leave us empty and wanting more. God satisfies us fully for we were made and created to worship him and not his creation.

We enjoy Idols because of the service we receive from them but we as children of God love God and priotise Him because of the service we get to give to Him and what we receive from Him is never for our own benefit but goes beyond us.

Though, idols take our time and mind further from God and places them on created things/people leaves us empty and always satisfaction but never receiving any. Whatever we place hope in and trust are idols. That part of oursleves needs healing.

If you have a hard time considering letting go of something for God or now you're placing value in something above God, let it go. It will lead to disappointment and unrest. You can't guarantee it will always be with you and that temporary happiness isn't lasting joy but who God is all we ever need.

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