Chapter 11

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He let me go. I noticed who it was and wasn't expecting it. But I'm glad to see a familiar face. Even if I didn't like them very much, I finally gathered myself and whispered on that note.

"Kasey, how did you know where I was," I asked. He shrugged, backing us up closer to the appliances.

"I heard someone, I figured it was you, came down to find two unwanted guests; we have to get Derek," he said, but before he could turn to get me to safety, he was stopped by an unseen force and fell to the ground.  There was so much blood. It was fun with a silencer in my face. And a guy I didn't know, skinny with a bogging on, stood in front of me.

"Finally, Addison Williams, I have some beef with you," he said. I needed clarification. I didn't know him. Did he know me? He must've been the one I heard. But how did he know me?

"Wh- who are you," I ask. He grins manically and evilly. And he doesn't answer. He keeps the gun pointed at me. I can't move; he would shoot me. Something told me he would. Maybe I could back up slowly against the stove and grab a knife quickly. No, he would see what I was doing.

"You took a case a couple of months ago. My brother was the offender, and he lost; now he's rotting in jail because of you, and you're going to help me get him out," he said.

"How am I supposed to help you if I don't know who you are," I said in my usual tone. He shrugged.

"Figure it out, the man goes to jail for sexual assault; the woman you defended on the stand, he got 15 years in prison," he said. Then it hit me.

"Henry," I said. He nods. And steps closer. I tried to back up, but he grabbed my arm. I didn't want to show him fear, but I couldn't help it. He was stronger than he looked. Maybe he needed to be quicker on his feet. I did the only thing I could think of.

I hit his hand, knocked the gun out of it, and stomped his toe. He stepped back, bending down, but I ran through the corridor. Not looking back. The second gunman saw me and began to shoot his gun with the silencer at me. I dodged the bullets, but I was hoping someone would rescue me. Everyone must've been asleep, and most guards were off duty. I found the door to the upstairs, so I took it. And ran through the hall. The men were close to my tail, but I reached Derek's room. His door was locked, and if I banged on it, they would hear me, so I found the attic door and pulled it down. I quickly pulled the ladder down and climbed up, pulling the ladder back up.

The attic was almost empty, but there were a few boxes up there and some coats hanging. I could hear the men down below. This was the first bit of danger I had been in since I had been here. I backed up into the hanging coats. There were a few. And I waited to see if someone would come for me. Water trickled down my face. I was terrified. I was about to be gunned down, and no one knew where I was, and Kasey was dead. Was this how it would end?

I heard the two men asking where I went to. Derek should've heard them talking, but I don't think he did. And I was far from the study. But there was a door on the back wall, a possible escape. I heard the men pulling on the trap door. Oh no, oh no. I ran to the door to see if it would open. They began climbing the stairs, and I finally pulled the door open and closed it behind me as they entered.  I was right. This led to an escape. But they were still hot on my tail. So I tried to run downstairs quickly. I realized it may have been locked outside when I got to the closed door in front of me.

I began pushing on the door, and it would not open. The men opened the door from upstairs and looked down, but they couldn't see me since there was a twisted staircase. I continued pushing on the door with fear in my bones. And finally, it came open, back to the kitchen. Thank goodness, and Kasey was still lying there. There was a latch, so I locked it. And the two men began banging on the door, trying to open it.

But I turned around and ran to Derek's office again. On my way there, I didn't look to see if they were following me. I kept running. I ran like there was no tomorrow. And I continued until I came upon the office door, opening it. Wesley was still asleep in the chair. Thankfully, he was still here.

"Wesley," I said. Shaking him. He bolted awake. He saw the terror in my eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you okay," he asked. He was still crying. And trying to catch my breath.

"Being chased, they killed Kasey, Trying to kill me," I finally spit out. He placed a hand on his gun and put me behind him. He panted as I heard footsteps. And as I backed I realized there was an alert button on the phone. So, I pushed it quickly. The alarm went off. Sounding like a loud siren. Wesley looked back and nodded.  What guards were still on the grounds began gathering in the corridor.

"Stay here, lock the door, and if anything happens, there's a door to the basement in the closet to the back; take it and get to safety," Wesley said as he opened the door, and I ran to close it behind him. My sisters were in the basement area. In the lab below. So I opened the closet and went through the door.

I took the stairs down until I couldn't see another door that opened. And it was the sun level where everyone worked in the labs. Whoever they were working for sure knew what was needed. And then I saw my sisters in the lab with the guys. And some other scientists. The alarm went off, and the lab technicians dropped the instruments. It was midnight. Why were they still working? My sisters spotted me and ran to me, along with Noah and Matthew.

"What's going on," Riley asked.

"Two guys, guns, Kasey dead, me next," and that was all I could get out before I went black.

Nothing but darkness.

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