Chapter 21

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Did he say his sister? He had a sister? Why didn't I know this? He looked back out the window. Where Wesley was entertaining her. I watched them laughing together. It felt like he knew her, too. And maybe he did. But I didn't know Derek had a sister. He never told me that; we weren't precisely sharing life stories, but he could've told me he had a sister. She was beautiful, and now I wanted to meet her.

How did he keep in touch with her all this time? Did she know he had bought the log cabin under an alias? So many questions ran through my mind, but none for her, all for Derek. He never let me know any of this. And we had been in hiding for a week now. Was he going to tell me that he had a sister?

Derek ran out of the room, just leaving me there. At this moment, he seemed more worried about his sister than anything, so much for always being there. I followed behind him, stepping out into the night air. I didn't expect it to be so cold.

"Derek," she said, opening her arms as she climbed the steps. He chuckles.

"Hey, sis, what are you doing here," he asks. I just stood there looking like an idiot. Wesley smiles towards her, a soft, genuine smile.

"I'm here to help. I heard the FBI are looking for you, but I know you, and I know whatever it is, you innocent," she said, looking at me.

"Hey, you must be Addison," she asked. I looked at Derek and back at her.

"How did you guess," I ask. She grabs my hand, shaking it.

"I'm Dani; I saw you on TV, on the news," she said. I nodded and grinned.

"Oh, yeah, my sisters are in bed, but if you're staying, you'll meet them tomorrow," I said. She nods and looks at Derek.

"She's gorgeous," she said. Derek starts to open his mouth, but his sister raises her hand. And looked at Wesley.

"Show me my room, Wes," she said. Wesley nods and escorts her in and upstairs.

"She's great," I said. She was. She got Derek to shut up just by putting her hand up to him. That is something I wish I could do sometimes.

"Sister, huh," I said. He looks at me quickly, wondering why he didn't tell me.

"I didn't think she would show up; she's my older sister, two years older, and she has been in combat before. She's supposed to be in the army and overseas, but I guess she would be a good asset to the team," he said. I squint my eyes, trying to think of a funny but sarcastic joke, but I can't think of one, and I nod and go inside.

I walk back to Derek's room and crawl into the bed; Derek comes in behind me. He said nothing but came over and lay on the bed, his right arm over his head. His left hand is on his chest. He sighs as he looks at me. I wasn't going to say anything. But I didn't have to say anything. Derek couldn't sleep, and honestly, I barely kept my eyes open. I was tired after that. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, I had rolled over with my head on Derek's chest and hand on his torso. I didn't know it, but I had slept on his chest until morning. I slept peacefully. Maybe I knew he was right beside me; perhaps it was because when I woke up, he was still asleep, and his right arm was now over my shoulder, and his left was holding my arm. I didn't move, though. I wanted to take a moment to appreciate that he didn't leave during the night and stayed with me. Maybe knowing Wesley was stepping back made the difference. I didn't know, but this was great.

I remembered my clothes were still upstairs, and I assumed Dani was still asleep because it was 7 am. And Derek was still asleep. I eased out of his arms. He didn't wake, thankfully. I tiptoed over to my robe and grabbed it. And slipped it on. I eased out of the room without waking Derek. Wesley had fallen asleep on the couch last night. And I eased past him.

I heard the upstairs shower going and assumed it was one of my sisters. But I eased into the room I had before and saw the bed made up. So Dani must've been in the shower. It made sense. She tracked through the woods last night so that I would do the same.

The buffet was shut, so I walked over and opened it. I grab the clothes I had picked out and set them on the bed until I have them all piled up. And slipped out with the clothes.

I ease back into Derek's room. He was still asleep, so I took that opportunity to dress myself. Slipping my tank and shorts off. I look down, seeing the bruises I have from being shot with the airsoft gun. They are very red and purple. And around 26 mm each. My back was sore from the impact, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I felt hands behind me, tracing my back. I knew it was Derek, and I should've been embarrassed about being half-naked, but I wasn't. His touch made me wince. He continued to trace the bruises. Rubbing them to ease some of the pain. I groan in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be gentle," he says. I turn around to face him. He is still in his black sweater and jeans. His eyes are filling me up. And In that moment, I wanted him more than I've wanted anything. But I knew it couldn't Happen. He touched my stomach as well and looked at me.

"Addison, I have something I want to say," he said as he grabbed my hands and guided me to the bed. I'm still standing in my bra and panties. He sits us down. And looks at me with passion.

"I've been trying to hide what I feel for a while," he said. I nod.

"But I can't do that anymore. Maybe it's dangerous to admit this openly, but I don't care; I'm falling for you, and it's driving me crazy because I know it can't happen, at least then or right now," he said. My heart jumped out of my chest.

"When this is over, if we are both okay, I want to give us a try if you want," he said. He grins. And I touch his face with my hand.

"Finally, it took you long enough to admit your feelings, but I'm glad you did," I said. He smiled, looking down.

"Yes, I want to," I said. He looked back up and smiled one of the most genuine smiles I had ever seen.

I laid my hands down, and he brought his right hand up, tucking a hair away from my face, and then did something unexpected. He pulls me closer, our faces inches apart and out for, heads nearly touching. He looks into my eyes and slowly pulls me in; our lips crash together.

My heart melted. My heart was a puddle. He pulled my body closer, lifting me to straddle him. And he deepens the kiss. I was loving this. His hands find my back, resting right above my butt. And my hands find his hair. The kiss was getting heated. And I wanted more, but we were about to go into battle, and I wasn't sure that was a good idea.

"Hey, Addy, woah," Riley says as she walks in, but doesn't close her eyes or turn away. We had broken the kiss as soon as she came in. He and I didn't move. We just looked at her. She came in, shutting the door.

"Sorry, if I had known, I still would've barged in," she said. Derek shakes his head and chuckles.

"Nice red," he says. I climb off him, hurrying to get me some jeans and the maroon-colored shirt I had found. Slipping them on. And I slipped my boots on, and Derek watched the entire thing.

"By the way, just thought I'd say it's about damn time you two finally admit your feelings to each other," she said, crossing her arms. Wearing a green shirt and a pair of shorts. Derek stood up, crossing his arms.

"What is it red," he asks. She looked at me and Derek. She came closer.

"I went to your room, and there's another woman in there."

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