Chapter 46

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That wasn't relevant. His sister could die, and he was happy that Lee was going to prison. I move away from him, shaking my head in disgust. Did he seriously not care about his only sister? I shake my head, and I walk out. Wesley is riding with her. Derek is confused; he knows I'm upset with him but doesn't realize why. He's too happy with taking down Lee. He forgot his sister was injured. And could potentially die.

I rode back with Nelson, Chloe, Noah, Derek and Tyler. The others rode behind us. Tyler was on my other side; I was between him and Derek. We were heading to the hospital. I wanted to be there with Dani and Wesley. And I know I sound shallow because I was mad at Derek for being happy about taking down someone who wanted us dead, but his sister was hurt badly. And he should've been more focused on that. Faith rode with me, too. She kept whimpering. Nelson looked in the mirror.

"You did great, Addison; he will be locked up for life. I urge you to consider a job with the CIA; you've earned it," she said. Tyler grins at me. As lovely as that sounded, I wanted to avoid crime for a while. I nod and look at Faith.

"You know, she may be wild, but she's trained to you; most wolves are loners; Faith seems taken with you; she could join the force. We could always use a k-9," she said. I look at Tyler. He nods. I'm worried so much about Dani that I can't think straight.

"Thanks, I'll consider it, but I just want to get to the hospital right now," I said. She nods, and we pull into the emergency side of the hospital. She stops for us to get out. Tyler is the first one up and out. Derek is behind him, and they both help me out. Faith jumps out, too. The paramedic looks at her one time and steps back.

"Miss dogs aren't allowed inside," he said. Riley runs over, looking at me, then offers to stay with her. I tell Faith to stay with Riley while Chloe and I run in with Derek, Tyler, and Noah behind us. Wesley is already inside. Dani is on a stretcher with an oxygen mask over her face. Her oxygen is 90, which isn't horrible but was low.

"No one is allowed in the operating rooms; wait in the waiting area," one of the surgeons says abruptly. Another surgeon steps up to us with a sorrowful look. He's biracial. Probably early forties.

"I'm so sorry about him; please feel free to wait here. We will keep you updated," he said. We thank him, and we each take our seats.

A few minutes pass, and the surgeons are still in the room with Dani. Derek is on the phone, probably calling his mom. Chloe is holding tight to Noah. Tyler is leaning against the wall. He worked with Dani for years. He keeps looking at me in sorrow. Wesley is a crying mess. He's trying to keep it together. But it's hard to do that when the woman he's in love with is lying on a stretcher, with her life in the balance. Nelson jogs in from the side, panting.

"Matthew and Riley have taken Faith for a brief walk. She was on edge and wanting in; I called the team; their thoughts and prayers are with us all, now on to pressing matters," she said. We all waited for her to speak up, and at one point, we thought she would tell us something horrible had happened.

"As A CIA director, I have clearance to dismiss Tyler and Dani until further notice," she said. Tyler snapped at her.

"What, for what," he said. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Because Dani was shot on a mission, and you weren't supposed to be there, something about because you, my nephew, I gave too much clearance, they are suspending you and releasing her until further notice," she said. He shakes his head. And he looks at me and then back at her.

"But you're the director," he said. She shook her head. And put her hand in front of her.

"Yes, and I have been told by much higher up, like government higher," she said. He drops his shoulders. But I can see the hurt on his face.

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