Chapter 27

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Wait, did I hear him right? Wasn't he mad? Was he impressed? Was this Derek? Was this real life? I was still asleep, wasn't I? Someone needed to wake me up. His words ran through me, and he meant it. But why was he okay with me putting myself in danger like that? Maybe he didn't want to upset me. Perhaps he was being nice because I was hurt. I wouldn't say I liked it when people were friendly because you were sick or injured.

"Translated, you're a dumb ass," I said. Derek looked at me, confused.

"No, it was selfless, protecting an innocent creature and putting yourself in danger. That part was stupid, but you saved that little guy's life; you're a local wildlife hero," he said. Who was he, and where was the Derek I loved? Riley looked at him in confusion.

"Can you bring Derek back? Please, you're scaring me," she said. He shrugs.

"I think it's sexy, putting yourself at risk for an innocent animal; it shows how loving she is," he said. Chloe was even taken aback. So I finally broke. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, just give it to me; I can't take it anymore," I said. He put his hand out.

"Give you what, Addison. I am not mad; I'm glad you're alive. Sure, what you did was pure ignorance, and you should have taken a weapon with you, but you saved a life, and that trumps being angry with you."

"Right, okay, well, when you're ready to yell and scream at me, just feel free to do so," I said. He rolled his eyes. He sighs, sits on the platform, puts his head in his hands, and looks back up.

"You almost died, Addison. I don't care how or why, but Chloe saved your life, and you alive; I don't care what happened, just that you're here," he said. I looked at Chloe and Riley.

"Derek saved your life, kept us calm, gave you blood, and is the one who knew what to do for you the moment he brought you in," Chloe said. Riley nods.

"Well then, I'll just say thank you all for saving my life, but I don't want to be treated any differently than before. I had one mishap, and I'm okay," I said. They look at each other and back to me. Riley squeezes my hand.

"Okay, we won't, but I'm still not mad. I mean, you're my sister, and I love you," she said. I smile. She leans forward, hugging me. Chloe places a hand on my shoulder. It's still sore. The wolf grazed it with its teeth and cut my shoulder a little. Chloe moved my hair.

"Hey, um, you may wanna take a look at this," Chloe said as Derek walked over to her, looking down at me.

"Did the wolf cut you," he said. I nod.

"With its teeth, but the only thing that hurt was my leg; why," I asked. Riley looked at it. Her eyes grow big.

"Addy, this looks bad; we didn't see this; how did no one notice this," she asks. Derek looks at her.

"We were busy saving her life," he said. She smirks at him sarcastically.

There were the two I loved. Being at each other's throats. Felt nice to be in the same room as these two finally. Chloe touched it again, and then she noticed something else on the lower part of my shoulder. She looks at Derek and helps me sit up. Riley looks at whatever they can see. I feel a sharp pain every time they touch it.

"Ouch," I say. Chloe apologizes. Riley feels it, too, but she catches it right away.

"It's a tooth fragment, and it's swelled," she said. It had buried itself under my skin. Chloe looked at Derek.

"We have to get that out; if not, it can cause infection, swelling, and potential damage," she said. He nods.

"Addison, we can give you a local numbing medicine, remove it, and stitch you up, but we will have to set you up to do it," Chloe says. I nod.

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