Chapter 35

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He was. He was about to bring in a team of people to extract us all. This was a ploy. I've seen this in many movies. It wasn't unethical but not very gang-like either. I had never seen a more organized Gang leader. It wasn't comforting. And more than that, it is terrifying. If he was ahead of the game and knew where to look, there could only be a few places left to hide. Derek had jumped through hoops to get us here.

I looked at everyone, mostly Derek. He watched the man still sitting unconscious in the wooden chair. His right hand rests under his chin, and his Elbow rests on his left arm. He was in thinking mode again. I liked seeing him so seriously, but it was too serious now. But to ease the tension, Riley spoke.

"So he's bringing backup, and we are waiting around for them?"

"Riley, don't," Chloe said, shaking her head. Wesley looked at Riley, as did Derek.

"She's right," Dani said out of the blue. Wesley sighs, looking at Dani.

"We know, but we can not allow Lee to catch up to us later either; the only thing we can do is-"

"Send Dani and the girls ahead and stay behind." Did Derek say that? Did he? No, he couldn't have. He would only let us move along with them. What about Matthew and Noah?

"We will stand with you, Derek," Noah said. Derek looked over at them and nodded.

"We may need you both," he said. I shook my head. He did not imply that the men stay behind and leave us girls alone to fend for ourselves. There was no way. This was different from Derek's. What was he thinking? This was getting out of hand. There's no way I was leaving him here to get killed or captured. I loved him too much.

"Derek, no, none of us or all of us; we aren't leaving you four behind to get killed or worse," I said. Riley agrees, as does Chloe. Dani sighs, but Derek holds a hand up to her.

"This is coming from the woman who woke Wesley up and left me in my room with no weapon or no knowledge of these..goons being outside," he said. Ouch. He was right, but I was letting him rest. I could handle them if I needed to.

"I was protecting you and the girls; I woke Wesley because you've been protecting me for weeks and no sleep; you needed rest; I didn't think they would break in the window and send a Calvary; I was doing what I needed to allow you to finally rest, without worrying about me all the time," I said. He chuckles. Sarcastically. Riley and Chloe are back up near Matthew and Noah. Wesley and Dani move to the side.

"After everything, everything, you think I wouldn't protect you, or you didn't want me to even, you wanted Wes; I have protected you and done a damn good job; I'd put myself in front of you to protect you, rest isn't needed when danger lurks around the corner," he said. He was getting louder. And cursed at me. I stepped back. I have never seen him so disappointed. He looked almost hurt that I didn't come to him.

"Do I need to remind you, this was the man I worked for; he trained me, gave me an entrance, and I know him, you don't. Stop acting like a spoiled brat and start letting me protect you like I should be doing," he yelled out. I raised my brows in shock. He just called me a spoiled brat. He just said that. I loved him and was trying to protect him like he had me, and he calls me a brat and a spoiled one, no less. Riley and Chloe gasped.

"Hold on, you're calling her a brat; imagine; the big douchebag himself calling our sister a brat seems fitting," Chloe said. Derek looked over at her, shocked that she said anything. She usually doesn't get involved.

"Chloe, don't," I said. She shakes her head. And she comes closer to him. He puts his arms together, crossing them. At this point, everyone is just waiting for a fight.

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