Chapter 26

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I can hear Riley screaming for me, but I'm in so much pain I can't think straight. I see Derek beside me, lifting me. He runs inside the house, lying on the countertop. He begins taking my shoes off. Riley and Chloe are crying and scared. I am in so much pain my leg is on fire. And there's blood everywhere.

"Chloe, first aid kit upstairs bathroom, hurry, Riley, I need rags and lots of them, and Dani," Derek says. Dani looks at him, nodding. She runs out. I'm panting, trying to catch my breath, and it's hard to focus. I see Wesley getting some rags and ripping them.

"Addison, stay with me," Derek said. Trying to calm himself and me too. He's frantic, and I can barely keep my eyes open. Chloe runs back downstairs with the first aid kit, opening it up.

"These gashes are too deep. She needs to be stitched up and something to keep the infection from setting in," Chloe says, examining my leg. I feel like my heart is beating a hundred and fifty.

"Dani is on it," Derek said as Dani ran in with antiseptics and what looked like a needle and medicine.

"You keep this stuff lying around," Chloe asks. Derek nods, getting back to my wounds.

"Riley, Riley," I said. Riley came to me, holding my hand. I could barely get my breath. The pain is killing me slowly.

"Riley, I-I lied," I said. Derek looked at me.

"Not now, Addison, save your strength," he said. I shook my head.

"No. I lied, Riley. I am -ng. I lost myself...ahh, I drank.....I... gah... Riley, I'm sorry, I didn't.....AH." I couldn't help but scream. The pain was so bad. Derek looked at me and Riley.

"Is she going to be okay," Riley asks. Derek doesn't say anything, "DEREK."

"I don't know, Riley, okay, let me and Chloe and Dani work on it; I'm doing everything I can to save her," he said, snapping at her. She nods and looks at me. He lets out a grunt. He snapped but wasn't apologizing because he was afraid of losing me.

"I don't care, Addy, I don't care. I love you so much," she said. Matthew had to pull her away and keep her out because she wouldn't stop.

Derek began preparing for the worst but also the better. He had everything he needed. He had the stitches and needles; he had the medicine he needed to keep me from feeling it and from getting infected, but I wasn't doing great.  I felt like my body was on fire.  I was shaking terribly. I felt weak, tired, and cold. My heart was racing so fast it was beating out of my chest.

"Derek," Dani said, continuing to do what he was doing, "DEREK SHES GOING INTO SHOCK."

"CHLOE Chloe, you're the nurse. What do we do," Dani says. Derek looked at Dani, and I could barely see anything.

"Get blankets, keep her warm. I'll try to treat these wounds, but we need to keep her warm; as long as she's breathing, she should be okay," Derek said calmly. Dani felt of me. I was sweating.

"She's burning up Derek," Dani said. Chloe felt too. Her face went rigid and timid.

"She is; she won't make it if we don't have the right medical supplies. Do you have something to make an IV with," Chloe said. Dani snaps her fingers.

"I can do you one better. I dated a doctor once, and I left some supplies down here one time, the IV and some medical bags. What do we need," Dani asked.

"What type of medicine?" Chloe asks. Dani looks down for a second. Derek begins pouring the cleaning solution over my bite marks.

"Ampicillin and just regular fluid from IV drip," she said. Chloe nods.

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