Chapter 47

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He stood there for a moment. Not moving. He was just shocked at this point. But he vows his head and nods. Tyler hasn't moved, either. Nelson walks over to us all. And she's hot. She knows this shouldn't be going on in a hospital, either. And I'm so upset whatever I just said, I had forgotten about.

"Gentlemen, maybe you should just walk outside," Nelson said. Tyler looks at her.

"Ma'am, respectfully, no, I'm going to sit beside Matthew and Noah; Addison, if you need me, I'll be over there," he said, patting my arm and walking over to the other guys to sit down. Derek was hurt. He was broken to the bone. But he knew I was right. And maybe that's what hurt worse. Chloe and Riley look at each other. Derek is still standing in the same position as before.

Derek was bullheaded. And he was territorial over things he loved. I understood that, but I also didn't get it. If he got this mad about me walking in with someone, what else would he get angry about? Did I have freedom with him? Was I not allowed to speak to Tyler? This was getting out of hand by the minute. First the CIA and then the hospital. He had apologized for doing the same over again.

I finally got tired of standing in front of him. And I walked over to where Riley and Chloe were standing. Derek didn't move but placed his back against the wall and looked up, sighing. I shook my head to the girls. They give an apologetic grin, and Chloe grabs me, hugging me. Riley joins in. Derek didn't know how bad I was hurting. And he wouldn't understand. Nelson claimed her spot from before. Tyler didn't look at me again; he was probably fed up with Derek.

A couple more hours passed, and the doctor hadn't given us an update on Dani yet. I'm sure no news was good news, right? That's what I had always heard. That no news was good news. But the wait was the worst. We were tired and hungry, and Jake was alone with Faith. I had checked on her once, but only for a few minutes. Allowing Jake to go inside and warm up. Only to have him return thirty minutes later and send me back in.

"Sanchez," the doctor said, coming out. Derek finally moved from his spot, sitting on the floor with his knees up. He stands. As everyone does, I come to the front.

"Dani pulled through. We are keeping her here for a few days, just to be sure there are no fatalities such as infection or internal bleeding, but she should be just fine," he says. I release a breath I've been holding in. I'm sure everyone does. Nelson smiles.

"That's great, doctor, thank you," she says, looking at Derek. He's releasing a breath, too. I can see the relief in his eyes, but before, he acted unphased. Maybe he was hiding it well. From behind, I felt someone grab me, and I soon faced Noah. He smiles and squeezes my life out before releasing me and holding Chloe. That was weird.

"Okay," I say, brushing myself off. Derek looks at me.

"I suppose I should apologize," he says. I cross my arms. He nods.

"Okay, point taken, I'm sorry I overreacted; I love you, Princess. You are everything to me; I'm insecure and afraid I'm losing you, and I don't want that," he said. I scoff, nodding.

"So causing a scene with Tyler in a hospital isn't pushing it then?" He purses his lips, nodding.

"Yes, it is, and I realize that, but-"

"But nothing, Derek, if you don't stop being this way, you and I are done. I can't keep being treated like property; we keep going back and forth," I said. I nod.

"Okay, I promise I'll be better. I'll do whatever I need to; please stay with me, move in with me," he said. That remark took me back.

"Addison, I want you to stay with me and your family indefinitely," he says. Did he ask me to come live with him?

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