Chapter 24

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Did he say he kissed Dani? So they knew each other before? I could see Derek's confusion. He seemed to be more confused than anything. And that was worse than being angry. I wanted to be heartbroken because I cared for Wesley, but I couldn't be. He was moving on and seemed happy about seeing where things would go. And if they did go anywhere, then good for him.

"Wes, we talked about this; it happened before; she left you heartbroken," Derek said. I run towards Derek and Wesley. Crossing my arms. Just watching them. They didn't even notice. Until I cleared my throat, and they both looked at me.

"If I could chime in, maybe Dani has changed. Doesn't Wesley have the right to know, and doesn't he have the right to date anyone who wants," I said. Derek looked at Wesley. And Wesley looked at him. And then they both turned their attention to me.

"You're right, as usual, Wesley; I hope she's grown up now; maybe she has, so go, be happy," Derek said. He looked at me. Wesley did, too. And smiled.

Derek and I finished dinner just in time for everyone except Noah to come and join us. Something was bothering him. He didn't usually skip a meal. But he did tonight. Earlier, he was upset. He was upset about something. But the entire time, Chloe was quiet. Not speaking to anyone. And I noticed the mood change.

I excused myself for a minute. No one questioned where I was going. I couldn't let Chloe know what was going on. I wanted to find out why Noah skipped dinner and was upset earlier. And why Chloe went full gorilla mode. I hadn't seen her that mad in a while. A long while. Noah wasn't in his room, so I looked outside. I saw the faint shape of a person sitting on the rock with no light, but the night wasn't that dark yet.

I walk down, being careful not to trip on anything. He hears me walk behind him, and he looks behind him. He grins when he sees me. His spirit had been broken. I sat down beside him. Crossing my legs not to get my feet wet.

"You missed dinner, but I saved you some food," I said. He sighs, nodding.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Addison, I just don't have an appetite," he said. I nod. He just seemed to break into pieces. And in that moment, I could see a hint of emotional damage.

"What happened? Chloe isn't speaking, and I am worried about you and her," I said. He sniffles.

"Earlier today, I asked her something I had planned to ask her at the mall before everyone was kidnapped, and I didn't know how this was going to end, so I asked her today, and she turned into her old self," he said. I needed clarification about everything. He asked her a question, and she got mad.

"I asked her to marry me," he said, handing me her ring, "She swore I was asking because we were all going to die, but I didn't do it for that; this cabin, this place, it's romantic, and I was ready."

"Oh my, this ring is beautiful, and I didn't know; maybe the better thing would have been to do it in front of everyone; she wouldn't have gotten upset," I said. She liked being noticed. It was a given that someone who had been a cheerleader, now a nurse, just wanted attention from everyone. She didn't get it from mom and dad.

"Yeah, but I wanted to do it on my terms; I know how she is, but I thought if I did it here, and if I got down on my knee and saw how much I loved her, she would say yes. Instead, she asked me why I was asking her and then wouldn't let me answer," he said. His heart was shattered. I could see the pain in his face. I felt so bad for him. Chloe was attention-seeking and always had been.

"Listen, I can talk to her, make her understand, but if I were you in about ten minutes, come in with that ring in front of us and ask again; she may change her mind," I said. He nods, sighing. I get up.

I made my way back to the house. Everyone was still eating. Talking and laughing. All but Chloe, who was just a shell of a woman. So I step into the kitchen, and everyone looks at me. I point to Chloe and motion for her to come to me. She drops her fork and gets up. Derek looks at her and then at me. He didn't know what was happening but was concerned for Chloe. Chloe steps into the living room with me. And crosses her arms.

"Look, I know why you're upset, but Noah loves you, Chloe; he knows you were concerned.."

"Did he come to find you," she asked smartly.

"I found him. I was worried about you, but you have always been a thinker; he wants to marry you, Chloe, you. he loves you so much he's beating himself up, and he's not even the problem," I said. She looked at me with hurt.

"You're saying I'm the problem.."

"No, Chloe, neither of you are, but he's in pain; he said you didn't let him finish. He wanted to ask you at the mall in front of everyone, but we were kidnapped before he got a chance to," I said. She looked surprised by that. Almost guilty. And I could see the love in her eyes for him. She did love him.

"Oh, I didn't know; I- I guess I screwed up big time, huh?"

"He still wants to marry you; he was giving you time and space, but I know he still loves you," I said. She wipes a stray tear. I hug her, telling her I love her.

She returns to the kitchen, and I step onto the porch. When I met Noah, he cried so much that his face was stained. I helped him clean it up. He gives me a grin.

"She's sorry, she knows she screwed up, all you have to do.."

"Is propose to my girl, got it," he said, walking in. I was right behind him. But I didn't go in right away.

I waited a few seconds before going in. Derek looked at me, Noah, and Chloe. I motioned for him to come to me. He stands up, walks past Noah, and meets me near the refrigerator. He was concerned, but I reassured him everything would be okay, wait.

Noah walked closer to Chloe. She met his gaze. She looked hurt and sorry to have said and done what she had done. She understood that it was more than the trouble we were in. He stopped in front of her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't do this the way I should have. I love you, Chloe, and I always have," he said. Riley got out of her seat and stood behind the bar. Matthew is holding her. Wesley and Dani are looking at each other; he grabs her hand. And they smile. Derek and I are still standing beside each other.

"And I'm so grateful to have been with you almost two years," he gets on his knee and opens the box. Derek looks down at me, and he is astounded.

"Chloe Rae Williams, will you marry me?"

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