Chapter 4. /Natasha.

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They reached the abandoned city and rushed inside. Since the lab was behind six air bubble doors, they decided to treat him on the counter.

Andrew placed his body on the counter as Natasha checked his pulse. No pulse. She checked again, refusing to give up. There was No pulse. When she was about to remove her hand, she felt something.

One beat, which was very faint. She immediately started CPR on Luke.

"There's a medical book kept on my shelf in my room." She said to Andrew. He has photographic memory so everything he sees will stay in his mind. The Lab was in Natasha's childhood home, in the abandoned city which was once, lively before the attack.

Andrew rushed up to the room and yelled from the first floor, "I don't see it here."

Natasha sighed, "Damn it Andrew!" she replied back and he came down.

"He's lost a lot of blood." she said, continuing the CPR. "I will go and get the book, read the important part and help him." she added.

Andrew stood beside her, ready to continue the CPR. Their fingers brushed as he took control of the CPR and Natasha shook the feeling off her mind. She rushed back up to her room after five whole years. Her room looked like one- a teen would have. The dusty black sheets, perfectly placed on the comforter and a picture of her and Andrew kept on the desk.

She remembered the day they had taken the picture, it was her fifteenth birthday, two days before the attack. The necklace she wore was gifted by him. It was a silver colored chain with a rare onyx imbedded in the frame.

They both looked happy, Andrew grey eyes beaming with joy in the picture. Only if he knew his parents were going to die the next day. She skimmed her fingers through the frame reminiscing that day before Andrew called her. After taking the book from the shelf, she rushed downstairs.

"We're losing him, can you do a blood transplant?" asked Andrew, trying to hide the pain in his shoulder.

Natasha sighed, "Okay, but I need your blood to unlock the door to get the stuff."

"There's no need for that." he continued, "I've kept syringes and empty blood bags in the fridge."

She rushed to the fridge and grabbed the out. Carefully, she fixed the drip and put it together jabbing herself with the syringe inside her arm, transferring the blood into the bag.

Once enough blood was in the bag, she rushed over and put it in Luke's arm, then checked his pulse. The pulse was back so Andrew stopped CPR.

He spent five to ten minutes reading the book until he was confident enough to save Luke. Natasha was pacing around, her heart pounding as she felt for her brother.

"Okay, I can do this." Andrew said, "Though we don't have the right instruments, I can save him." He added.

"Doesn't matter, use your hands and some of the silverware. I'll bring the thread and needle to sew it." she said.

She sprinted to her parents' room and tried opening her mom's closet. It was locked so she picked up a chair and started hitting the door in attempt to open it.

She shook her head and laughed. What the hell was she thinking? She took a deep breath and pulled the door open, with all the strength she had. Her hands ached from the sudden pain and she hurriedly too her mother's sewing kit and went down.

"Here," she handed the thread to Andrew who was trying to remove the bullet which was right below Luke's ribcage.

"We need more blood." he said ignoring the thread Natasha had.

She put it down and took another needle and connected it to the blood bag. She sat there as Andrew took out the bullet and closed up the wound. He did not cut open Luke but, made a cut big enough to take out the bullet. Beads of sweat were formed on his forehead.

"I need to close him up." he said, asking for the thread, "It needs to be sterilized" he added.

Natasha stood up and dipped the needle and thread in sanitizer then dipped them again in saline water. She put the thread inside of the needle and formed a small knot, like her mother had taught her when she was six on one evening as she remembered the sky being orange.

Andrew carefully took it from her and started closing him up. Natasha sat there feeling weak and dizzy because she was still transplanting blood to Luke.

After fifteen minutes, Andrew finished closing him up. Natasha was keeping track of his pulse. It seemed to have stabilized as Andrew threw the bloodied gloves to be destroyed.

He cleaned everything as Natasha stared at him trying not to faint. Luke looked pale but Natasha seemed to be paler. Andrew finished cleaning up the mess and sat down beside her.

"You look pale." He said, scrutinizing her face with his grey eyes.

"Sure am" she replied, weakly.

"I'm going to go and get you some glucose" he said and got up.

Natasha held his hand and blinked a few times to see him clearly, "Get the first aid kit and feed the puppy."

He smiled and nodded. Natasha closed her eyes and dozed off. She flinched and opened her eyes after feeling something prick into her skin.

She saw that Andrew was putting a drip attached to a glucose bag. He had removed the blood drip as the blood bag was full. He treated her despite his broken shoulder. He carefully put some cream on the wounds on her face and handed her an ice pack to reduce the bruising.

"You should get some sleep." he said, as she noticed it was dark outside

"Wait. Did you feed her?" She asked.

"I gave the puppy food, but she's too scared to eat."

She tried to get up but her legs betrayed her. "Pass me the first aid kit." she said.

Andrew gave her the kit, unable to control the pain.

"Sit." she told him.

He sat on the chair clenching his shoulder. Natasha took out a bandage and some ointment. She examined his wound which was swelling and decided to keep back the ointment and started dressing his wound.

She felt the question she was dreading come.

"So, is it true?"

'What is?" She asked him, pretending to not know what's coming next.

"That you have feelings for me?"

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