Chapter 6. /Natasha.

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Natasha went upstairs, locking the door and setting it in air bubble.

She was exhausted and flopped down on the dusty couch. She let her gaze roam around the room.

She hadn't been in the living room or her room since the blast. Their house was safe, thanks to her dad's inventions.

The basement had always been used as their personal research lab since Natasha was a kid.

She reminicised the old times, when she would play with Andrew while her dad was gone for work.

How her mom braided her hair as she asked her questions about the past or what the future would look like.

Her mom never talked about the past, which was still a mystery to Natasha.

She always said that no matter what happened, Natasha would grow up to be a strong woman, because her mom would always be there for her.

It all made sense to her now, like missing peices of a puzzle finally coming together.

Her mother always knew that something horrible was going to happen.

She smiled at the thought of her mom being all-knowing, before she heard groans. She jumped up with a start. It was Luke.

He was waking up, which was bizzare, considering the amount of blood he had lost.

She hopped off the couch and made her way to him. He tried to get up, but failed miserably.

Natasha clutched his hand to calm him down.

"It's okay. You're safe." she told him, trying to sound as soothing as possible.

"Wh-Where are we?" he asked, his voice hoarse and feeble.

"You're safe with us. That's what matters." Natasha replied, giving him a tired smile.


"Take rest now. I'll be here if you need me." Natasha said, speaking over him, unable to keep her eyes open any longer.

She made herself comfortable as Luke closed his eyes, her hand still clutched in his.

Natasha didn't realized when she slowly dozed off, her head resting on the counter surface as everything went black.

She woke up with her head throbbing from stress and tiredness. She realized that she wasn't sleeping on the chair anymore, but on the couch.

The cluttering and scraping noises that woke her up were from the puppy, as she scratched her paws on the wooden floorboards. She looked much more healthier and comfortable today.

Natasha smiled and said,"Hey buddy. What are you doing?"

The puppy looked at her and made her way to Natasha.

She picked her up and thought aloud,"What should we name you?"

"You could name her Debbie." Andrew suggested, handing Natasha a cup of coffee.

"Nah, it sounds like a 40-year old woman's name."

"Old, you mean." Luke said dryly, in an attempt to sound cheerful.

"You need to rest and talk less." Natasha chided.

"How poetic" Luke mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear.

"How about Sunflower?" Andrew suggested again, as Luke pouted and laid back on the counter.

"What's with the absuard names? How could you use them for such a cute pup, or anyone, for that matter." Natasha asked, trying to sound as genuine as possible as she took a sip of coffee from her mug.

"It's cute, ain't it?" Andrew asked, with a wink in her direction, making her cheeks heat.

"Daisy! Let's name her Daisy." she said, her flusteredness giving way to excitement.

"Hey, why Daisy? Sunflower is a flower too." Andrew argued.

"Daisies are so rare, so beautiful. They're my mom's favourite flowers." Natasha said, a faraway look on her face.

She was remembering the time when her mom took her to a picnic when her father was away on a business trip.

Her mom told her that she loved daisies because the reminded her of the good days.

"Daisy it is." said Andrew softly, as they sat in silence, watching the sun rays make their way through the blinds.

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