Chapter 7. / Natasha.

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"My back hurts." Luke said, breaking the silence.

"You want a bed, don't you?" Andrew asked him.

He nodded before placing his head back on the hard wood. Natasha got up from the couch and Daisy followed her.

Daisy had slowly started to trust Natasha. Especially after they helped her with the fever.

Natasha walked over to the kitchen and placed her cup in the cleaner.
"Get ready to stand on your feet after 8 hours of the surgery."

"You guys performed a surgery on me, malpractice." Luke said.

"You're alive and recovering, so let's just let it slide this once." Natasha explained.

Andrew hopped back up and quickly placed his cup on the counter top.

He rubbed his palms together before helping Luke on his feet.

"Careful", said Natasha as Luke winced in pain.

"We need pain meds to keep the pain in check." Andrew said.

Daisy barked because she saw Luke as a threat.

"It's OK, Daisy." Natasha said in a soothing voice, trying to calm her down.

"She had smelled his scent when he was sleeping. I don't know why she's acting so aggressively now." Andrew spoke.

"Trust issues.", Luke said, who was still in pain.

Daisy's barks lowered to growls, and she seemed to switch to attack mode.

Natasha froze.

She didn't know what to do, nor did she have a neutralizer to calm Daisy down.

Just as Daisy jumped on Luke, Andrew came in between and she bit him instead.

He took out an injection from his pocket as he screamed and jabbed her in the neck, where a bit of flesh was exposed.

Natasha ran and broke them apart, taking the drowsy puppy to the basement. She hopped down the long, never ending staircase and when she finally reached, Daisy was
fast asleep due to the effects of the drug.

She put her in a cage and shut it. Now was not the time. Daisy wasn't ready to meet new people.

She had only known Natasha for two weeks and Andrew for almost a day.

Natasha knew that Daisy was smart enough to know whom to trust, especially when she saved her from the institute.

She quickly went upstairs and set the first door to the basement on air bubble.

She turned and saw Andrew helping up Luke from a distance. She rushed to their side.

"Andrew, go and sit down, I'll help Luke to the couch." she said, putting Luke's arm around her shoulder.

He really was heavy. She struggled because her energy wasn't completely restored.

"You're tired right now. Let me help." Andrew argued as Luke clinged on to her awkwardly.

She glared at him, which shut him at once.

Slowly, they crossed the hall and Luke carefully laid down.

"Comfortable?" she asked him as he nodded.

She quickly grabbed the medication from the counter and rushed towards Andrew's side, who was trying to stop the bleeding through his torn shirt.

She cut the sleeve of the shirt to get a clear view, and she scrunched her nose.

"Well, a little more harder and your skin would be torn."

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