Chapter 10- /Natasha.

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Daisy's heart rate deteriorated as they reach the Abandoned City. The medication Jackson gave her didn't work.

The ECG alarm blared as Daisy had become unconscious on the seat.

It had taken them an hour to get to the abandoned city and there were 15 more minutes to reach Andrew's house.
Since Natasha and Andrew were neighbors, they had no choice but to drive till there.

"What do we do now?" Natasha asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Check her fever. I'm trying to drive as fast as possible." Jackson ordered her.

She hastily checked Daisy's fever which was gone. A knot that was formed in her stomach released.

"Her fever's gone down."

"I think the metal is slowly puncturing her heart" he continued, "When I trim the metal, I'll need to make sure her heart isn't affected. If it is, I'll have to patch it up."

"How much time does she have right now? Her blood pressure is going down by the minute."

"We're almost there."

They finally reached and got out of the car. It was not hard to get inside Andrew's burnt house.

She rushed to the basement, which looked untouched by the flames and got the necessary things.

Andrew's mom was a vet and often practiced in dummies in the basement.

Jackson followed her down and sterilized the area with one of his portable sterilizers.

He placed Daisy on the practice table that Mrs.Marks used.

Natasha had known quite a few things about surgeries, considering she worked in an illegal dog experimental institution so she prepped everything.

"That's impressive." Jackson said, looking at everything organized. He was a few months away from getting into residency.

"Thanks" she said, waiting for him to start operating on Daisy.

"You'll need to go upstairs. I'm not going to operate on her, in front of you."

Natasha ground and left because she didn't want him to waste time.

She took off her mask and noticed the smell of burnt wood and rusting metal, which once smelled like pancakes and freshly baked breads.

Mr.Marks was a scientist but had a passion for baking bread and eating pancakes every morning.

As she was looking around the house, a hand gently touched her shoulder. She flinched and turned back to see who it was and realized it was Andrew.

"You scared me!" She said, exhaling.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Are you okay... In here?" Natasha asked.

"I had to come in here on day." He replied, looking into Natasha's hazel eyes.

She looked away and searched for Luke over Andrew's shoulder.

"Where's Luke?" She asked, hoping it would release the tension between them.

"He's at you house. It didn't seem like anybody intruded."

"Was the air bubble enabled?"

"No. I wondered why you wouldn't turn it on when you left the house."

Color drained from her face.

"I did enable air bubble." She said.

Natasha immediately checked her pocket and could not feel the container which had Andrew's blood.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

"It's not there. The container with your blood."

"What? How can it just drop out of your pocket?"

"Luke's not safe in there." She said, rushing out.

Andrew followed her out, but she stopped him.

"Keep an eye on Daisy and Jackson. Nobody should touch a strand of hair on their head or it'll not be good." She said, and rushed out.

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