Chapter 17. /Andrew.

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I stormed off to the garage to see what help Nan needed and heard a few people talking.

Quietly, I peeked in and saw Nan talk to four people from which I recognised one of them as the girl who'd went and announced that I came to their area.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside as they all turned towards me.

"Andrew! You've come." Nan said, cheerfully.

I smiled, "Yes, but what help do you need?"

"I need a few people to help me with setting up the commands. So I thought you'd be of great help, and a few of my friends."

I looked at them as they seemed honoured to meet me. I cringed at the thought and asked their names.

The girl's name was Anne, and the two guys sitting on her right were Jake and Dan. Derek was a middle-aged man sitting on Anne's left.

Nan was sitting and waiting patiently for me to give an idea. I had already looked at it and knew what we could do. But before I could speak, Anne spoke up.

"Loopholes. We need loopholes" She said.

"I have an idea similar to that." I said, quiet impressed with her skills.

"The commands can be the same with a few changes in the phrases and the code will be updated with adding security to it." I explained.

"That's impressive." Derek said.

He was the oldest here and probably had a lot more experience than I did.

They started working on their laptops and asked me to join. But since I hadn't gotten mine and refused to go inside, I observed the car.

The observer was removing the parts as another bot replaced them. Natasha had left her phone there so I picked it up.

It was everything about the car and robots. I clicked back because the app was taking too much battery for no reason.

Suddenly, my eyes fell on her wallpaper. I didn't even know those existed in holograms.

My lip turned into a smile. It was a picture of us both. I remembered mom taking that photo before we went on a trip.

She was wearing huge sunglasses which looked hilarious, and we were hugging. Natasha actually looked happy even after the affects of paroxetine which made her go numb.

I was beside her, looking like a sixteen year old- which I was at the time.

My face hadn't changed much since then but I surely looked older.

It was the first time we went on a trip without her dad's interruptions. He had no idea we had been gone because he was so busy with his business startup that he never noticed we were gone.

Suddenly, it hit me. The business startup which he was so engrossed in was six months before the blast and four months before the business took up.

My mind went numb. I could not think of anything else.

"Ya alright?" Anne asked.

"I-I have something to confirm. I'll be back." I stammered, and started walking out.

But before I could get the chance to be out of the garage, a bullet missed my head by inches. I looked up to see who fired it and it was Nate.

What was he doing here? And why did he try to kill me?

"Hello, brother." He shouted over as a smirk formed at the corner of his face.

"Fire!" He yelled and ordered the guards who instantly fired in my direction but I ducked down.

The others got up from their seat and went to the corners as the guards came closer.

"Scanning for target." one of them said.

I quickly pressed the emergency button.

[AUTOMATED SYSTEM]: Enabling safety mode. Locking down.

The garage doors slowly closed as Nate yelled at the robots to go inside.

"Enable defense mode. Turn off safety signals for intruders!" I commanded the system.

[AUTOMATED SYSTEM]: Turning off safety signals. Turning on defense mode.

A hologram appeared in front of me which gave me a preview of outside. As the bulletproof projected walls appeared, I saw Luke tackling Natasha and dragging her out before the walls could completely appear.

"What is he doing?!" I yelled over the screen.

I zoomed into the live projection being taken. Luke did not look happy while strangling Natasha with his bare hands.

"I don't want to do this, I'm not doing this! I'm sorry, Natasha." I heard his unclear voice as she passed out.

"Take her." Nate said, as he came near her unconscious body and the gaurds put her away.

"No!" I yelled, though it was of no use.

Do you want to continue? CLICK CONFIRM.

Another hologram appeared in front of me as I turned around. I clicked on confirm as the completion bar paused at 75.56%.

The rest must be the damaged codes and commands.

"How far have we got?" I asked them.

"30% give or take." Nan replied.

"That's not enough." I told him, slight annoyance heard my my tone.

"It-it's taking time." He stammered.

I sighed and walked over to the drawer behind him.
Taking out some cables, I told them to keep the laptops on the table.

I connected the laptops to one another.

"This should show the correct accuracy of how much progress we've made." I explained, trying to keep my calm.

I connected the app with the automobile whose system was already connected to the code which was being typed.

The hologram appeared in a bigger size than the average one. I clicked on "RUN ANALYSIS" and anxiously waited for the results.


"Damn it, it's too long." I said, getting frustrated.

"That's the best we can do. There are too many codes." Derek said as Jake and Dan nodded in agreement.

"Sorry if I'm rude right now. I've never worked with people- especially under so much stress." I apologized, thinking about Natasha and our first kiss.

She didn't deserve so much misfortune, especially when she tried to make the world better.


"What's happening?" Nan asked.

I groaned, "Nate inserted a malware in the security system of the house. He really wants me dead."

"Who's Nate?" Derek asked.

"A long lost brother." I said, trying to open the the gate but the hologram closed.

"How long can the laptops last without electricity?" I asked, giving up.

"One hour or so." Jake said.

"Well that's great." I said, as the lights went off and the red lights turned on.

"This place is going to freeze and run out of oxygen." Dan said, analyzing the room.

"We won't, let's get back working." Anne said.

I sat there, updating the car system every five minutes so it doesn't take time to transfer them, all at once and thinking whether Natasha would be okay or not

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