Chapter 15- /Natasha.

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My head started spinning as I hadn't even considered Andrew's seriousness.

"Oh! Natasha." Mom came closer, and hugged me. I was too shocked to embrace her as she awkwardly broke apart.

"How are you, my child?" She asked, tears rolling down her face.

I felt nothing, except for the curiousness burning inside of me.

"What did dad do to you, mom?" I asked, completely ignoring her question.

She looked at Andrew who shrugged as she sighed. "It's time you know the truth, sweety."

"Yes, it is very much." I said, venom dripping from my tone.

"Let's talk somewhere, private." She said, looking at the three boys indicating them to leave.

"Let's go." Jackson said, as his eyes met mine.

I could see Andrew roll his eyes in the background. I couldn't help but snort.

"What's so funny?" Luke asked, though he knew the reason.

"Nothing. Just a memory that I remembered." I lied, through my teeth.

Everyone in the room knew it was a lie but nobody said anything as the boys left, shutting the door leaving me and my mother alone.

"What do you want to know?" She asked me as we sat on the chair.

"What did dad do to you, that changed our lives forever?" I asked, my heart racing.

Mom took a deep breath to keep from crying and said, "As you know, dad was married to another woman and had a child who was around 5 years old. But then, he left them after he found out I was pregnant with you." She continued as her voice shaky, "I was only nineteen when I had you. And... He was drunk, 25 and I happened to walk past him at night, after I was coming from the library with my newest idea, excited to tell my dad about it." She took a deep breath,
"But, someone hit me with an object at the back of my head and I passed out. The next thing I knew, I was inside an abandoned factory, my clothes shredded into pieces and there was no one around."
She finally broke down, weeping as I sat back in shock.

The man whom I thought was my father was actually an abuser whose blood was pumping through my veins.

I suddenly felt disgusted in my own skin and felt nauseous. I slowly went and embraced my mother into a hug as she broke down.

I couldn't cry, I couldn't feel pain or feel sorry. There was no anger surging through me but only guilt.

I felt guilty and I didn't know why.

Mom finally took a deep breath and stopped crying. I quickly got up and got her some water. My hands were shaking as I handed her the glass.

"When I found out-"

"Mom, it's okay. You don't need to tell me if it hurts so much."

She sadly smiled, "My heart never stopped aching. Looking at you, so innocent yet so strong, gave me the strength to keep it together just to be with you," She continued, "Please, let me tell you everything. No more secrets."

"Okay." I reluctantly agreed, but sat back as she continued.

"When my dad found out he was mad- at me. He kicked me out and there was no one to defend me. Your grandmother had died due to some complications after giving birth to me. Father never forgot to remind me of that but I knew he loved me to bits." She explained, "I was young, 18 and pregnant with no home, no food, no shelter. The only thing that I had was the idea I had just gotten- the air bubble security mode. There was no choice for me but to sell it to the government. I got a decent amount of money to last us at least two years, but then came Steven. He spotted me working at a coffee shop, fixing and updating the robots."

"Wait, so he's not the smart one?" I asked, before she could start speaking again.

"Yes, he just stole my ideas for his own profit. I was even surprised to know that he had recognised me as the girl he raped. After finding out you're my child and I have an IQ of 150, it was obvious that you'd be born as a genius. Well the chances were 50-50 because he is an average guy. But Steven forced himself in my home."

"Just like that? Didn't you try to stop him?" I asked feeling ashamed that I called a monster my dad.

"I did but it didn't work. He's abusive and violent. I was six months pregnant at the time when he moved in. The last few months were the worst. He beat me up if I didn't make him the exact food he wanted. If I slept too long and so on. He is a horrible man."

"You guys were never really married." I said, realizing my family's true colors.

"No. He abandoned Luke and his mother because you were smarter and he wanted to take advantage of you. He never really loved you, Natasha."

I wasn't even surprised at this point. "Mom. I just need some fresh air." I said as I got up from my seat and rushed out before she could even say anything.

I layed on the large field which never recovered from the attack. Tears stung my eyes as they quietly made their way down my cheeks.

The sky looked different today- or maybe I never noticed it. It wasn't blue, it wasn't violet. But something in between.

A sensed someone lay beside me. I turned towards him and saw it was Andrew.

"I'm guessing she told you all of it." He said, looking at the sky as a jet flew above us.

"Most of it." I said, as my eyes followed where he looked.

Suddenly, he turned towards me and I looked at him as our eyes met. We said nothing as I looked into his grey eyes, my heart racing.
I was looking into them for so long that I could see my own reflection in those eyes.

Slowly, he leaned towards me as his lips met mine and my heart thumped against my chest.

We broke apart as tears streaked down my cheeks. My mom had to suffer so much and it was all my fault. If I didn't exist, she wouldn't have to spen half of her life with an abusive man she despised.

Andrew embraced me in his arms and tried to comfort me as I silently cried, like I had never before.

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