Chapter 6...

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Some how I fell asleep sometime during the night. I kept my mind off the sounds coming through the walls by playing on my phone and looking up YouTube videos. The sound of voices woke me up and I groaned loudly pulling my pillow over my head. No way in hell am I going out there, especially with that girl Liam has over. I rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. It was Sunday so it has only been 4 days living with Liam and I was already done.

This deal isn't going work. Why did I even take it in the first place? I wondered. Yes I need the money but I don't think it is worth it. Liam is asking me to lie to his entire family, fake I am in love with him, get married, then leave when the year is up. Yes I know I should have thought about all that before agreeing but hey I didn't say I was smart. Hearing Liam and that girl having sex while I was only a floor away made me realize that this deal isn't right, for anyone.

I didn't want to hurt and lie to people I haven't even met or to any other people I will meet just so Liam can get the company from his father. I wasn't going to be some pawn in this little game. I still have my pride, well most of it anyways. I can still go back to my jobs and maybe hopefully my apartment. I just have to tell Liam I am not going to do this anymore and that I'll be leaving. Nodding at myself and my decision I pulled the covers away from me and got out of bed.

As I moved around my room I heard what I think is the front door open then close. Okay now is my time. I quickly went and washed my face before throwing on a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. There wasn't anyone here to impress so why get dressed up? I walked out of my room pulling my hair into a messy ponytail heading towards the kitchen. My footsteps were soft on the tile because of socks. I glanced at the clock and saw it was only a quarter after 9. So early on a Sunday. Wanting to get this over with so I could ran away like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs I looked around for Liam.

Not finding him in the kitchen, living room, or even his bedroom I wondered where he could be. I don't think he was the one who left earlier. With a quick glance in the garage I was correct because all 4 cars were parked. Heading back to the kitchen I could actually feel myself starting to worry, stupid I know. I heard a splashing noise and turned my head out the window. I could just make out a body moving in the pool. Found him.

Heading outside I took a deep breath when I was close enough to the pool. Here we go. We can do this Jenna.

"Liam?" I called out. Thankfully just as I called his name his head popped up from the water at the other end of the pool. He jerked his head in my direction at my voice.


"I need to talk to you." I said as he worked his way towards me. He was only a few feet away from me when he stood up the water coming to the middle of his thigh. My eyes traveled his shirtless body and my mouth dried up. The man worked out! Water rolled down his toned chest to his stomach before his swim shorts soaking it up. An hard 8 pack graced his stomach and my hands twitched wanting to feel them. Without his dress shirt on his arms were bigger then I had thought. They were roped in muscle, he wasn't even flexing and they stood out well defined. Liam's brown hair stuck to his forehead and drops of water hung at the tips. Seeing a man shirtless and water dripping off of his body made my body flush and my mouth dry up. The idea of running my tongue across his chest came to mind, my mind not caring it was chlorine and not regular water.

"Jenna?" Liam snapped his fingers in front of my face and I jerked my gaze away from his body. My face flushed and I cleared my throat feeling embarrassed being caught staring at him.

"Oh sorry. I um..." I tried to remember why I came out here in the first place, my mind blank. Liam smirked at me as he walked up the steps stepping out of the pool. Unconsciously my eyes traveled his body again wanting to run my hands down his wet front. Jenna stop! You came out here for a reason, and that reason isn't to eye rape him. "I need to talk to you about our deal." I finally forced myself to say. If you were in my position you would understand how hard it would be to say something while looking at a hot shirtless guy.

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