Chapter 20

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Please read A/N at the end!!!!!

Isn't the girl who plays Jenna gorgeous!?

I am currently obsessed with One Direction's song 18 for some reason, so its on the side :)

Happy Reading!

It was the day after our engagement photos and I was currently sitting at the kitchen table with Lennon next to me telling me which fork was used for what. I tried to listen I really did but my thoughts kept drifting back to Liam. Everything that happened yesterday threw me for a loop and I didn't know what to think about Liam. After we all sat around his parent's place for a while I kept catching him staring at me with a weird expression across his face. Of course seeing him staring at me I would sneak glances in his direction as well.

It was 4 o'clock by time we left his parent's. Liam didn't give me an option of driving with anyone else but him. He was being weird the entire ride home and made the effort to talk to me about the photos and random stuff. I didn't want to ask him why he was acting weird in case it made him stop. When we got home he got to work making dinner for the both us.

The rest of the night he talked about everything, anything. I could tell he was trying to act nicer around me and make me feel comfortable. I don't know what changed with him but I wasn't complaining. It was nice being around him and actually having a nice conversation. It was the first time in 3 weeks that I have felt at home and wanted by Liam. Whatever was going on I didn't want it to go away. When we went to bed he even walked me to my door and said an awkward 'goodnight'.

I had spent a good portion of the night going over everything with a wide grin plastered on my face. I don't know what time it was when I finally fell asleep but I knew I still had a smile on my face and an image of Liam's face in my mind. I knew everything wouldn't be suddenly fine and dandy with Liam when I got up but when I did I felt lighter than I did before. Maybe it was knowing that Liam was actually being nicer than before.

I missed Liam this morning when he went to work but it wasn't even an hour later Lennon showed up ready to teach me how to act 'proper'. It still made me angry that I had to do this but if both Lennon and Liam thought it would help I'll do it. I was not looking forward to his work party in 2 days. The idea of having to dress up and meet a bunch of new people who think Liam and I are really getting married was enough to make me throw up in my mouth a little. I don't like big crowds or attention on me. I'd rather hide away in the background and let other take the spotlight. Beside the real reason of the Benefit to raise money, I knew people were going to be on Liam and I like hounds asking about our engagement. This afternoon we are suppose to go and pick out a few than give them to the paper to print for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning my whole life with change once again. I will be known as the fiancé to one of the richest most eligible bachelor Liam Stanford.

"Jenna are you even listening to me?" Lennon voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yes of course."

"Okay than what is this fork used for?" She held up smaller looking fork but it still looked the same as the other one.

"Salad?" I asked rather than said.

"That was an easy one." She said but nodded that I got it right.

"Can we take a break and get something to eat?" I asked leaning back in my chair. We have been doing this for over 2 hours and my brain was fried.

"Fine but only for a few minutes. We still have a lot to go over." Lennon sighed.

"There's more?" I groaned. "I feel like I'm back in High School." She just shook her head at me.

"I'd make a great teacher."

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