Chapter 30...

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Above is Matt Bomer being incredibly cute! <3 

Somebody to You By The Vamps above. Love this song and thought it fit Liam :) 

Liam's POV

2 hours before...

"Mr. Stanford all of us here are a little concerned that you are here instead of your father." Mr. Danforth executive manager of this hotel said. 3 other people sat in front of me, other managers from this hotel and one other one inland.

"And why is that Mr. Danforth?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. I watched him squirm in his seat, he gulped glancing at the other members alongside of him. I did not want to be here listening to the talk. I wanted to be back downstairs with Jenna but no I had to be here in a boring ass meeting about nothing.

Thinking about Jenna made me smile inwardly. Right now I bet she was getting ready for our date tonight at 7. Yes a real date with Jenna; I liked the sound of that. The look on her face when I said I had to go to a meeting made me want to instantly take it back and stay with her instead. So before even really thinking about it I had asked her to go to dinner with me after this.

A night where it could only be us; no paparazzi waiting for us outside, no mother like figure spying on us, or friends interrupting. After our kiss on the plane I knew I had to tell her how I feel. When I saw her leaning against the counter earlier sending me a smirk all I had wanted to do was grab her and kiss her, which I did. Trapping her against the bar with my arms on both sides of her I noticed she wanted me to kiss her just as much as I did. Her green eyes were focused on my lips and they were a dark shade then they were when she was happy.

That morning when I got back from the office before leaving I saw her dressed in sweats and a t-shirt I fell a little bit more in love with her. She didn't care what she looked like. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she didn't have any makeup on, making her look even more beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful honestly. From the way she dressed to how she looked. Her green eyes always seemed to hold something in them, most of the time I couldn't even figure out what she was thinking. Jenna just fit in perfectly with my life, something I hadn't accounted for when I found her. My parents loved her, my sister adored her as did Lennon, even Blake liked her. Well he was a given since she helped him get together with Lennon. Which I had no idea she was doing until Blake called me afterwards telling me to thank Jenna.

Instead of being back at our room watching Jenna get ready I was here. I hadn't even thought about taking Jenna along with me this weekend until Lennon reminded me it was her birthday tomorrow, the 26th of September. I had remembered Barbados was a place Jenna had always wanted to visit so a 2 days before I was set to go I decided to bring her. Instead of staying in my usual room I made sure I was put in a bungalow right beside the water for Jenna. I knew she would love it and was glad I did when I lead her to it earlier her face was lit up like a christmas tree. I was just hoping this meeting would end soon so I can go and be with her.

"Well he is more familiar with this kind of meeting, and has more experience. I have personally worked with your father for many years-" Mr. Danforth started saying.

"If I am not mistaken I am the one who told my father this place would be a good spot to put a hotel. I am the one who has been dealing with all the funds to go here and making sure you have enough money to keep this place going. I am the CEO of the company and I can make sure you are no longer here if you would like." I said glaring at the man across from. His hair was all white and he had a clear beer gut.

"N-no sir I-"

"Good then you have no problem dealing with me." I turned to stare at the other 3. Under my gaze they shrunk and nodded silently. I took pride in the scared look they all had and knew I was intimidating. I did not care if I had to fire these people, they could easily be replaced. "Lets get started I want this over by 7." I said grabbing the file that was placed in front of me.

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