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So I have gotten quite a bit of questions from you guys! I love the idea of doing a Q&A and so that is what I am doing. There are questions about writing, about the characters, even personal questions which I will answer below. :) If you see your question comment next to it! :) Also I answered most of these at the Block Party but thought you'd want to see it here as well. I will start with writing tips/advice then go into personal questions at the end. 

Thank you @Xox_magicheart_xox  for the great cover above for the Q&A! Looks like a magazine cover! I absolutely love it! <3 

The song on the side fits this perfectly! Introducing Me by Nick Jonas- Camp Rock 

Anyways enjoy! 

1. Will you make a sequel?  (Most asked Question) 

Honestly I don't know. I haven't thought much about a sequel. I do like the idea but if it was to be a sequel it would not be of Jenna and Liam. It would probably be a Blake and Lennon story, Or one of Jenna's half siblings. I haven't fully decided if I will do one for now I am going to write my other sequel (Silent Love). Maybe in the future. I have so many ideas for books that I want to try and write before writing a sequel. 

2. When did Liam start to like Jenna and what was it about her that made him like/love her. 

Well I think Liam started to like her when they had the paint fight in Chapter 13. I think that is when he started to see her different. I mean when he heard that her mother left her, he did start to look at her different but the paint war really made the impact for him. Then slowly he started to fall. I think what made him like/love her was how she talked back to him, how she never let being abandoned affect her. Jenna at times was feisty making Liam like her for standing up for herself and not putting up with his crap sometimes. 

3. What made Liam change his attitude into a bit of a cold one?

Well I guess I never really fully answered this during the story. For someone like Liam trusting people is hard. Most of the girls he dated only wanted him for his wealth, Carmen included. He didn't let people into his life easily, and with Jenna he didn't want to put his guard down. And why when they would only be in a fake relationship for a year. To him being unattached was better then developing feelings for someone who would quite possible leave and hurt him in the end. 

4. How do you plan the chapters? and before starting a story what do u really have in mind ? do u have it all sorted out or do u make up as you go.

Honestly I make it up as I go. There isn't really a thing I do to prepare for chapters. I do have an end result I want to happen or a specific scene, and I work my way towards that. Like the chapter when they confess their love for each other. I thought of that part at the very beginning of the story so I made sure that I would have that somewhere and work towards it. Although some authors make a graph or something that they map out their story from start to finish. I just find that I work better just sitting down and writing whatever comes to mind. 

5. Is there a specific playlist you like to listen to when you write? Or a certain mood you have to be in when you write?

When I write I don't really listen to most that often. If I do it is softly in the background because I tend to find myself writing the lyrics to the song when I don't mean to. But to get into a mood for a chapter listening to a really sad song, or love song does let. When I have to write a sad scene, like the accident chapter, I made sure I wrote that late at night. That is when my mood becomes sour, all that self-loathing loves to come out at night. But it does kind of matter what mood you are in when you write. If you are happy you are more likely to write a more lively chapter instead of a sad one. 

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