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Song on the Side is Greatest Story Ever Told by Oliver James (Must listen to! And you will know when)

And Jenna's dress above...gorgeous!

Please read Author's Note at the end!!!

1 1/2 Year Later...

"Professor Hillshaw is the worst." Sophia groaned beside me.

"But at least this whole year is over. No more finals or classes." I said as we walked down through campus.

"Now that is true." She admitted smiling. A lot had happened in the last year. After Liam and I got back together things starting to lift up. The few days after he came to the diner I moved back to his house. Even though he had proposed to me we started off dating for the past year and a half. We wanted to take things slowly as we wanted a real relationship.

Our engagement has been on the entire time but waiting a year or so to get married wasn't a big issue. Since classes were off now we planned our wedding to happen in June, so in just about 3 weeks.

And yes you heard right, I am now a college student. It was a few months after being back with Liam that I decided I wanted to make something of myself. I didn't want to be a house wife the entire time, and I felt bad enough about Liam being the only one working. I had always wanted to go to college and with a little push from Liam I applied for NYU. There were tons of other colleges I could have gone to but NYU was closer than the others. Plus that was where Sophia was currently going.

Of course being engaged to the most eligible bachelor/millionaire in New York they let me in. But what made matters worse was Liam had to pay for my tuition even though he said he didn't mind. That just gave me more incentive to try hard in school so I could earn that money back. I had just finished my second year and was proud to say I had all A's and 1 B.

Because it was December when I decided to go to college I could only apply for the spring semester. So with a few classes in the summer I was caught up so I was basically through my first year. Now it was near the end of May and my classes just ended. Because I have been taking some online classes and even some during the summer I may be able to graduate in one more year instead of two.

I decided I wanted to be a teacher, an elementary school teacher to be exact. I wanted to make a difference in a child's early school years. My elementary school teacher when I had to move was the nicest person I had ever met. She made me feel better and always let me stay later in class to help me. I wanted to be the same person to kids. At first I was scared about doing that but after talking with Liam and my friends I realized that is what I wanted to do. Now here I am almost two years later getting closer to earning my degree. I still hadn't wrapped my head around the fact that I was finally doing something with my life and that I had someone who loved me and helped me along the way.

"You better go your man is here." Sophia's voice said bringing my out of my thoughts. My eyes danced across the parking lot before coming to a stop on the figure of my fiancé leaning against his car. From here I could see he was wearing dark sunglasses but I knew he was only staring at me. He looked so drool worthy leaning against the Camaro in a light gray suit that hugged his frame.

"Stop eye raping him and just go." Sophia hugged me making me stumble sightly. I shot her a small glare.

"Fine I will. I'll talk to you later, we have a lot of stuff to do for the wedding still." I said walking backwards slowly. She barely nodded as she caught sight of her own boyfriend making his way towards us, Garrett. Rolling my eyes I turned and headed towards my man. The closer I got the wider my grin became. Even though I have been with him for well over a year I still get butterflies when I see him. I noticed a few girls gawking at him as I walked by. A small part of me was jealous but the other was use to it. It wasn't the girls fault that Liam was so handsome. Just as long as they didn't go near him I was fine.

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