Chapter 21

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Absolutely love the dress above!! 

The song on the side has nothing to do with the chapter once again but I can't get Justin Bieber's new song out of my head. It is so catchy! 

Dedicated to Emerald_Girl for being super sweet :) 

Happy Reading! <3

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it was the day of the Benefit. The entire week Lennon came over and kept going over everything I would need to know from where the event was being held to who was going to be there. I learned everything about every person, who their family was and what their company does. I am still in shock at myself for memorizing all the information in under a week as was Liam and Lennon. 

Since the Benefit starts at 7 and it was 1 o'clock now I had plenty of time to get ready. The closer the time got to go the more nervous I got. This was Liam and I's first appearance together and after everyone seeing our engagement photos in the paper Wednesday I knew we were going to be swarmed by the paparazzi. The morning the paper came out our house was swarmed by people with cameras waiting for one of us to leave. My phone started blowing up with followers and messages from random people. Some were people saying how lucky I was to be marrying Liam and than there were others of people calling me names and saying I wasn't good enough for him. By noon I had over a thousand requests for Facebook, and over 20k followers on Instagram. It was Lennon's idea to get Instagram the other day, I had only posted one picture that I was forced to by Lennon. 

I was shocked at how many people wanted to be my friend and all the messages I was receiving. I didn't think being with Liam would be just a big ordeal. If I thought things were going to calm down I was going to be mistaken. 

This entire week had to be the best one so far. Liam and I were getting along really well. Every night he would come home at 5 and help me make dinner. While we cooked we'd joke around and shoot remarks at one another. I hadn't known Liam could be sarcastic. Just yesterday we bickered back and forth over if a tomato was a fruit or a vegetable. Of course I thought it was a fruit and he said vegetable. Over the last few days we have gotten a small system between us. We would both cook, he would wash while I dry. Then afterwards we would sit on the couch together and watch whatever is on. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I really enjoyed our time together lately. Liam was definitely a different guy than he was when I first met him a month ago. 

I was currently in the library again trying to finish Twilight before we left and to keep me occupied. I had to force myself to sit still instead of pace the length of the house, nervous about tonight. I was actually enjoying the book and knew I would be reading the rest of the series in no time. It isn't my favorite series but it was good. 

After Liam and I had dinner the other day after dropping off the photos we headed to a Barnes and Noble. The moment we walked in I immediately headed to the young teen section, loving the books there. I could have spent hours there but having Liam with me I didn't want to make him wait. Of course like every book lover I found so many books I really wanted but didn't have the money to buy them all. Liam saw that I wanted the entire series of The Mortal Instruments and practically forced me to let him buy them. He literally grabbed them from my hand and went to the cash register and paid for them before I even caught up to him. Now I was hoping to finish my current series so I could start on those. 

I tried concentrating on my book but my mind kept drifting to tonight and to next week. Liam's mother, Lily, called me yesterday telling me about how she has already started on the wedding plans. She wanted to get together sometime next week so we can discuss a theme, invitations, the date, etc. The thought of already starting on the wedding plans made my stomach form into knots. Plus being alone with his mother I am afraid I will say something I shouldn't. I have the tendency to ramble in awkward situations. 

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