Chapter 9...

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Sorry you guys for it not being so good...but at least it's long :)

The song to the side "Best thing That Never Happened" by We Are The In Crowd. It has nothing to do with the chapter but I love it and the band :)

Also sorry for any mistakes!


I woke up the next morning to a pair of hands shaking me and a voice calling my name. Groaning I swatted away the hands while mumbling. I think everyone will agree with me that being woken up by someone is just as worse as an alarm.

"Jenna get up!" The voice said again right above my head. I rolled over away from the hands onto my side. I just want to sleep! "Fine you asked for it." I heard the persons footsteps disappear and I sighed snuggling deeper into my pillow.

Just as I got comfortable again I suddenly felt something wet and cold land on my exposed neck and shoulders. What is that? Before I could contemplate what it was I was doused in cold water. There wasn't a lot but enough to make my head wet and my pj shirt. I sat up with a gasp feeling the cold water run down my neck. I turned and stared at a smug Lennon standing next to my bed with a cup that was empty. My eyes narrowed at her.

"You know I would have gotten up without the cold water."

"I know." With that she set the glasses on my bedside table. "Okay up and at 'em. We have a lot to do before you leave."

"But Lennon it is 9 in the morning!" I whined looking at the clock. The last few days of being able to sleep in has already got me hooked.

"You have an early lunch and entire day with Liam's parents so it's time to get up and get ready, or do you want me to get Liam in here." With one last glare at Lennon I got up and headed to the shower.

As I showered I thought about how weird it is to spend the entire day with Liam's parents. I thought we were just going to dinner with them, not lunch and dinner. Is that even normal? On that subject nothing about this is normal. I got out of the warm shower 10 minutes later wrapping a towel around me just in time for Lennon to come barging in.

"Lennon!" I shouted clenching the towel tighter around me. "Get out!"

"Jenna come on it's not like I haven't seen anything like that before." She rolled her eyes at me. I just stood there staring at her like she was crazy. "Okay fine I'll leave, yell for me when you have your underwear and bra on. I'll be right outside your bedroom door." I watched her as she left waiting to hear my bedroom door close before I even moved a muscle.

Shaking my head at myself I quickly dried myself off before sliding on my panties and bra. Grabbing a new towel I wrapped the dry one around my body and my other one around my head to dry my hair.

"Lennon you can come in now." I called out taking a seat at the edge of my bed. Instantly she came in shutting the door behind her.

"Okay lets get you all dolled up." She said rubbing her hands together and come towards me. The look on her face made me not want to go anymore. "Makeup first, clothes second, then your hair." She muttered under her breath as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the vanity on the other side of the room. Pushing me down on the seat she got to work pulling out the drawers that held the makeup we bought yesterday.

"How did those get in there?" I asked confused. I don't remember putting it in there last night.

"I did it while you were in the shower." She waved me off. "Okay you have great skin so I'm going to do your makeup light and natural, you don't want your makeup over done." She talked to herself as she grabbed this and that. I watched her confused. I didn't really know much about makeup since I had no one to teach me, the only things I knew were mascara cause that's a given, foundation to cover up my eye bags, and lipstick. Lennon made me close my eyes so I wouldn't look while she worked.

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें