Chapter 29...

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**WARNING! ALL THE EVENTS, PLACES, NAMES ARE NOT REAL! I have never been to Barbados and I DO NOT know what it looks like, what food places there are, what is situated where. So DO NOT comment how wrong I am or that certain things aren't possible!!!!!

*Not Edited!!

Song on the side Kiss Me Again by We Are The In Crowd <3

I wanted to have a picture above of both characters but can't find one and to lazy to make one :)

Dedicated to @healer12 for the amazing new cover of this story! You guys sent me some great ones and I couldn't choose! But I finally decided on this one so I hope you all love it like I do :)

The first 2 hours of the plane ride were boring. Liam had taken out his laptop and was doing work while I stared out the window. When we were about to take off I got kind of scared, looking out the window didn't help. I could see the ground moving underneath of us as we gained speed. I didn't freak out too bad I just grabbed Liam's hand in a tight grip which turn my knuckles white, as the plane lifted up from the ground. Liam didn't seem to mind my hold on his hand and I didn't loosen it until the pilot said we could walk around. Even then Liam had to pull his hand away to grab his laptop.

Now 3 hours into our 6 hour flight and I was about halfway done with my new book and bored. I put my book down in my lap turning to look out the window. We were currently over some state but from how high we were I could only see land and a little freeway. The excitement of going to Barbados was over now as the long ride was barely even half over yet.

Sighing I rolled my head in Liam's direction. A little while ago he moved over to one of the twirling chairs that had a pull out desk to do some work. Bored of being quiet and sitting alone I unbuckled my seatbelt cautiously walking towards Liam. It felt weird walking when something was moving, like walking on the bus. Plopping down beside him I looked at him. He looked really cute when he was concentrating. His eyes narrowed a little and his eyebrows were creased.

"Liam I'm bored." I whined like a 5 year old.

"We've only been on here for a little while." He said glancing up at me for a second before looking back at his laptop.

"We've been on here for 3 hours." I deadpanned.

"Really? Oh I'm sorry I was just got caught up in my work." He clicked a few things before shutting his laptop and turning to face me. "Are you excited to be going to Barbados?"

"You didn't pick Barbados on a whim didn't you?" I brought my feet up on the couch tucking them beneath me.

"No I remembered you said you always wanted to visit there." He shrugged.

"And?" I waited for him to continue. There was something else he wasn't saying.

"And, I have a little bit of work to do there so I figured why not bring you along." He admitted.

"I should be mad that I am the second choice here but I'm going to Barbados so I can't complain." I grinned at him.

"What would you like to do once we get there? I have a meeting a few hours after we land."

"I want to go to the beach, get some great food, explore some places." I said dreamily.

"I'll make sure that you do all that you want to do." He smiled at me making my heart flutter. "So what should we do for the rest of our flight?"

"Do you have any cards or something? Who knew it would be so boring on a private airplane." I glanced around the cabin.

"I think there's a deck of cards somewhere here." I got more comfortable on the couch as Liam got up and moved around. "Okay here is one."

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