2 The Eerie Cove

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When he first heard of the job at Dawson Manor in Devonshire, he did not intend to stay. Right away, the eerie silence disturbed him. It brought back many memories and not the good kind. Which is why it surprised him when he told the lead staff, Jocelyn Swarmey that he was going to take the job. She stared at him unblinking, no doubt taken aback.

No one ever stayed at Dawson Manor. It was as if there had never been a soul there in hundreds of years. This was because it was unbelievably silent and fog was everywhere. In fact there was so much fog, that Giles could barely even see his feet when he was walking. Today however, he woke up to the first clear day in weeks. After that, Giles knew he wanted the job. He would say it was because he had hope for the weather.

Jocelyn handed him the master key and turned to leave. "If you need anything, I will be at the oak tavern 50 miles or so away, ring me." She climbed into her Chevy impala and looked back. "Are you sure?" She turned, a concerned look on her face. Giles didn't know what to say. He could've said no and hopped into the passenger side, but he remained silent and nodded. With that, she rolled away into the hills and out of sight. He didn't know it yet, but that was the last time he would ever see her alive.

After ten minutes, Jocelyn breathed a sigh of relief. She had been in charge of that estate for sixteen years. Jocelyn had spent many a night listening to the silence, it had drove her mad. She knew she would never return, even if Giles needed help. Something moved in the corner of her vision. Jocelyn had barely any time to think as a figure suddenly ran out in front of her. She slammed on the brakes, screaming as her car skidded and turned. Then, the Chevy impala swerved and tumbled off the mountain into the trees below.

The figure walked to the edge and peered down. They grinned and walked to the side of the road, picking up something off the ground. The person tossed Jocelyn's phone off the cliff and turned. Jocelyn Swarmey would not be making it anywhere, anymore, ever again.

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