8 Biting Cold

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Natalie, Caleb, and Grant were the only three to choose the morgue. Unlike the other guests, they weren't afraid of the idea of a dead body. Caleb of course had seen dead bodies before, so this was nothing new. He just never intended to touch one.

They walked into the morgue to see Amelia's dead body laying on a metal table. Natalie pulled on some gloves and shivered. It was freezing. As they looked at the body, they examined it just like a doctor would his patient. Amelia looked peaceful and everything looked normal except for the small hole at the top of her back. Caleb was no doctor but he knew that little hole could not have been the source of Amelia's death, so then what caused it?

"Poor girl, i didn't even get a chance to meet her." As he said this, Grant swallowed. He looked down at the hole again. It had to have been some sort of spear or knife, it wasn't huge and it didn't look like a bullet hole. Caleb scratched his head in confusion.

Natalie's eyes traveled down the victim's back to her feet. That's when she saw the small bump on her foot. "What is that?" She pointed to it. As they surveyed it, they could only come to the conclusion that it was some sort of bite, but from what? Suddenly, the bell sounded unfortunately and they were forced to leave with more questions than answers.

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