7 The Warning

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The last known whereabouts was the bar, Amelia had apparently stopped for a drink before she sat down. Bailey, Regina, Montana, and Tripp walked into the lounge. Montana had chosen this area because she did not want to see a woman around her age, lying dead on a metal table. She had never been one for gore and never let her children watch horror movies.

Tripp stepped behind the bar to study the glasses and Regina searched the seats. Her hand brushed something under the chair. She quickly pulled her hand out revealing a note. Bailey who was beside her, watched over her shoulder. "Oh my god, what does it say?" He said, catching the attention of the others.

All of them gathered around the note as they read it. As she read it, Montana gasped.

~ Amelia. I know everything about you. I am going to kill everyone in this room unless you do as I say. Sit down on the chair opposite the fireplace and wait for instructions. To prove I am not lying, when you were seven you killed a hamster with your bare hands. Do as I say Amelia and your life will be spared!~

The killer had sent this note to Amelia to lure to her death. How demented can you be? Tripp wondered to himself. "Well now we know why she was sitting in that spot but that's it. That's all we know." Regina had to admit Tripp was right, they had little information but just enough to feel okay.

Bailey offered to keep the note safe but a maid nearby shook her head and he glared. "These damned staff act like robots." He mumbled. Somewhere in the house a bell sounded and they all piled out of the room.

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