21 Blood and Secrets

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The moment Vivian, Tripp, and Bailey approached the body, they saw the blood. Pools and pools of blood, all over the morgue floor, seeping from Montana's body on the metal table. "Oh my god!" Tripp stepped back as it dripped on his shoe. "This is absolutely horrendous."

They all looked at each other. Bailey was staring at Tripp intently. To him, Tripp was the killer. He'd been watching him ever since the game started and it made him uneasy to see him react to the blood with such surprise. He turned toward the bloody body in front of him. "Disgusting." They examined the body using gloves to pick at her skin.

"Well, let's turn her around." Bailey said. They all three worked to flip Montana's body over. When they had done so, Vivian went pale white and backed up. "Oh my God!" It was even worse than they thought. Montana's back was a bloody mess. There were holes in a circle around her back, it almost looked like a giant shark bite, and blood was dripping out of the holes.

"This is no shark bite because the killer isn't a genius and can't just whip up a damn shark." Tripp scratched his head. Vivian pursed her lips but she had no intention of telling the men her theory, she'd almost been murdered. They all continued investigating and found nothing.

Vivian waited until the backs of the guys were turned, then she reached into Montana's mouth and looked to see what had been choking her. There was residue of a liquid. She sniffed and it and knew it was bleach. She didn't even need the riddle. Vivian Barrons had just solved the crime.

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