29 Deceptive Death

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Tripp, Lizzie, and Natalie walked outside towards the fountain. "Poor guy should have known his plan wouldn't work." Lizzie said, bending down to the ground. There was blood spattered on the pavement but something else lay among the blood. She squinted and saw in the puddle, a small black pellet. What didn't make sense to her was that Bailey had been the one most likely shot but this was where Andrew had died and been beheaded and dismembered. Lizzie pocketed the pellet and moved to join the others.

"When I think of someone being dismembered that way, I think of a bomb." Natalie said. The woman began to search around for some sort of metal scraps to prove her point. Tripp joined her in the search. After ten minutes, still nothing had been found.

"Alright let's stop for a minute." Tripp walked up to the fountain and sat down. "We know this could be a huge bomb or we could be totally wrong. I can stay here and look for more clues while you two go search Bailey's crime scene." The two girls both agreed and walked into the mansion.

"God is it hot in here, or is that just me?" Lizzie watched as Natalie slid out of her coat and threw it down. She met Lizzie's stare. "What? It's not our house and we're being hunted by a vicious killer. Have some fun babe." Lizzie blinked but followed her anyways.

They reached the crime scene. It was perhaps the most boring and calm scene yet. There were no out of the ordinary details and no blood of any kind.  This didn't make any sense.  There had to be something, anything to hint that someone had died here. However, a pit formed in the girl's stomachs as they realized there was truly nothing here.

As they joined Tripp, the group of three felt even more clueless than when they had arrived. "What could we possibly be missing?" Tripp asked and got no responses. He prayed on everything that his alliance or at least some people in the house would share what they knew.

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