17 Carnival Games

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When the guests walked out of the house, they were in awe. In the middle of the garden, was a large tent, it was red and white just like a circus tent, and there was a smell of caramel popcorn in the air. What kind of sick twisted game was the killer going to play with them now? They were instructed to walk into the tent and stand behind a random carnival game.

"Dear guests, welcome to the Killer Carnivale! As I said before, please choose a carnival game to stand behind. In a moment you will play these games, individually. Only then, will you be given the challenge riddle." He finished his speech and walked past Lana. "Be careful. The killer does not like when people are late." He warned her. She would not be forgetting that anytime soon.

The guests had chosen their carnival games within minutes. Lizzie knew she wanted to play Ring Toss, she called it her special skill. Regina picked Hit the Clown, because she thought it would be easier. Grant had chosen the Fish Bowl, it wouldn't be that hard. Natalie picked Horseshoe, she was an absolute pro at this. Bailey had settled on Balloon Darts, he felt he had decent aim. Andrew decided he would choose the Water Race. Caleb picked Axe Throwing, very simple. Montana settled for Basketball which surprised almost everyone. Tripp chose Foosball. Vivian was the last to pick, and fortunately for her, she was left with her favorite, the Rope Course.

They all began to play their respective games. The first to finish was Natalie, who successfully got all horseshoes on the spokes. She raced to Giles and grabbed her riddle, running off. Andrew finished next, he also ran to Giles and then back into the house. Vivian and Caleb finished and rushed to grab their clues. Everyone else was still not very close to finishing.

Inside the house, Caleb and Natalie met up and read the riddle together.

Behind this landmark of knowledge you will find all of the answers.

It couldn't have been any simpler, and they were right, as they ran into the room, Andrew and Vivian were looking around the library. They had all come to the same conclusion, that it must be the library.

Meanwhile, Regina and Tripp had just finished their games and ran inside, also deciding to team up for the investigation. However when Tripp suggested the clue must lead to the library, Regina pointed at the word Landmark. "What else comes to mind when you hear landmark?" She asked. Tripp thought it over and they both rushed into the dining room. There, on the wall, was a map. "Landmark of knowledge." Regina breathed out.

They approached the map and felt along it for some sort of lever. Tripp suddenly had an idea and ripped the large map off the wall. To their surprise, a dark hallway stood before them. Regina picked up the map and covered the hole back as they walked down the hall. It was dark and Tripp took out his lighter. He was glad he had brought it after all even if he'd had no desire to smoke yet.

The two followed the hall to a door at the end. Regina sighed, opening the door and stepping in. The moment she did, the door shut and locked, slamming in Tripp's face! "Oh my god Tripp! Are you okay?" She yelled as he banged on the door and swore. "I'll be alright, the killer only wants one winner I assume." He sat down in the hall waiting for her to solve this case.

The room was small and housed a chair and on the wall, a tv was mounted. She walked over to the chair and sat down. The moment she sat, the screen lit up before her. Ruben's room. He was sitting on the floor, clutching a rod, the very same rod that had burned Regina. She gasped and watched as Ruben acted like he heard something and opened his door. That's when something came into the room.

A lion. An actual beast of prey, sauntered into the room and Regina watched as Ruben's face went white and he attempted many times to ward it off. She knew what was coming and clutched the chair. The lion jumped onto the man and as Ruben poked him in his side the lion swiped at his eyes and tore them out of their socket. He screamed and died in those moments and it made Regina sick to her stomach. As Ruben lay dying, a figure walked into the room. They whistled and the lion walked into an adjacent room. She stood up, shocked. The killer. He or She, picked up the fire poker and pushed it into Ruben's chest, waved at the camera like some prankster. Finally, the killer dragged Ruben's body out of the room and the screen changed to the stairs, where Ruben's body was thrown and tumbled to the bottom. Regina knew how Ruben had died and she pondered how much of it she should share with the man outside the door.

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