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After they saw the message, they felt numb, didn't know what to do or what to say. No one replied and no one dared to call the other three friends. Yoongi is not as mad as everyone, ofcourse he wanted to know why Jimin did all of this but, he didn't hate him.

Namjoon and Hobi are mad that Jimin played them but they didn't hate him either. If there is a good reason that Jimin could give them, then they will be understanding and will forgive him.

The other three were not just mad but hated him. They didn't even want to talk about him and the only thought of Jimin's betrayal filled their brains, to think about anything.

What will happen after Jimin arrives, the thoughts of all the possibilities scared Yoongi. He doesn't want Jimin to be centred by all his friends. He doesn't want any of his friends being hurt or fighting eachother.


Day went by and Jimin will be back in Seoul anytime. All friends were in dorm room with Tae. Yoongi thought Tae might start a fight and things would go worse if no one is there to stop. So he brought Namjoon and Hobi with him and Jin followed them not wanting to be alone in the room because Jungkook is already with Tae.

They are sitting in silence, Namjin and Taekook couples were cuddled in the couches. Hobi and Yoongi are sitting at the kitchen island, sipping their teas. Yoongi stood up and went to the living room when he heard the door unlocked.

"Wow, didn't know I'd be welcomed by all of you. I thought of calling you all to our regular meeting place, so I could see you. I really missed you guys." Jimin said happily as soon as he entered, looking at all his friends in the living room.

He dragged his suitcases inside, placing them in a corner, by the shoe rack while greeting his friends. When no one replied, he looked at the boys infront of him. Their faces weren't that happy and their glares confused him. He looked at Tae who face reflected anger, his eyes were glistening from tears and just when Jimin was about to speak, Tae did.

"Look who finally decided to show up? Isn't that Jimin? Oh wait, or is it PJM?" Tae sassed, tears now rolling down his cheeks and his body is shaking in anger. Jimin's heart dropped when Tae called him PJM.

"Wh-what a-are you ta-talking abou-t?" Jimin stuttered, finding it hard to speak a word without trouble. Was this really happening?

"What? You forgot to speak now that we found your little secret?" Tea walked to Jimin crying from the pain he felt in his heart, he trusted Jimin. He is the reason his friends believed Jimin, he brought them to him, telling he'd solve their problem. He is the reason they relied on him. But his trust was broken, his friend's too.

"Didn't know you have this side too, Jimin. Did you enjoy watching us talking about PJM infront of you? Did you enjoy watching us suffer and being helpless?" Tae yelled at Jimin, clutching his shoulders and shaking him, violently, to answer his questions.

"Did you have fun watching us making fools of ourselves?" Jimin isn't talking anymore, he is not even trying to. He saw the look on Tae's face, the look of hate and Jimin couldn't stand it anymore.

Tae has been the only one who he relied on, he is the only friend Jimin has until he met the boys. He is Jimin's best friend. Tae is the only one who was there with him all the time and he is the only comfort he has.

Just few weeks ago, Tae said how much Jimin means to him. Jimin might look cool about everything and not seem effected by sentiments, but he cares, he cared about every word. He still remembers everything, Tae said.

He remembered how happy Tae was, how much affection his words expressed, how thankful Tae felt for having him in his life. How much love Tae's eyes carried for his best friend. Their bond was stronger than any blood relation.

But now, Jimin couldn't find any of those emotions in Tae's eyes. They were filled with hatred. He could see the anger in his face. Tae is hurt and Jimin knows that. But he doesn't want to have missunderstandings between them. He wanted to talk to Tae and others. That is what he planned to do after all.

"H-how d-did you know?" Tae scoffed at Jimin, rolling his eyes.

"That's what you are worried about, right now?" Jungkook asked but, Jimin didn't pay attention to him. He is still looking at Tae, waiting for his answer. All his friends can think of anything about what Jimin did but not Tae. They have been friends for just two months and they didn't know what Jimin is, but Tae does.

It doesn't bother even if they are all yelling at him or being angry at him. But not Tae, he should know, Jimin does everything for a reason and he should know Jimin would never hurt him no matter what. And with that only hope, he remained still for Tae to answer him.

"What? You need an answer? Well, we might not be able to break into your webpage, but it doesn't take a mastermind to break into your room, genius" Tae sassed and Jimin looked at him with wide eyes.

He turned to look at his room, and got a peek of all the mess that was created and things lying on the floor. Jimin's body is trembling, he felt like his heart being ripped out. How could they do this to him?

He ran to his room, pushing Jungkook out of his way. Jungkook fell onto the ground and Namjoon helped him up. They were surprised by Jimin's sudden change in his actions and that only made things worse.

"Look at this selfish fucker, still thinking about himself. He owes an apology, an explanation and he should beg us on his knees for forgiveness, for breaking our trust and lying to our faces but, he is still worried about himself" Jungkook yelled, lunging onto Jimin.

He could have punched him if Yoongi and Hobi didn't held him back. Jimin turned back and looked at him in disbelief. He looked at Tae who didn't even bothered looking at him. Is he really the Tae Jimin knows?

Tae is always there for him, always defended him, always been protective over him and always fought for him. Now, he is not even stopping Jungkook from saying all those stupid things to him.

Jimin felt hurt now. If they were all angry at him for breaking their trust, then isn't breaking into his room, going through his personals and destroying all his things is breaking trust too? If what he did was taken as a mistake then doesn't this make a mistake too?

They went into his room, went through all his belongings and personals without his consent, that too when he was not there with them. Is this not considered as lie?

Jimin didn't want to stay here anymore. He thought all the friendship and affection they showed is nothing but a lie. They didn't even try to reach him, they didn't even try to ask him. They just took the right to go through his personals. Now they don't even deserve an explanation.

Despite all the yelling from Jin and Jungkook, Jimin walked into his room, crying at how ruthlessly they threw everything out. He looked at the boxes and pictures that were all scattered on the ground. They even broke my locked, almara?

He walked over to the picture frame that was lying on the floor, and crouched down to pick it up. He started picking up his things and putting them back into the box.

His hands were shaking, his head pounding and his body felt heavy on his feet. He cried silently, tears streaming down his face. He could hear the muffled screams and yelling behind him. Just when he was about to pass out, he was pulled back and fell to the ground.

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