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Jungkook stood infront of him, heaving in anger. Yoongi quickly ran to him and pulled him upto his feet. Jimin looked at all of them, he is no more feeling sorry for them.

Until now, he understood their pain but when he saw his room, he felt nothing but rage inside his heart. It was out of their limits. They don't have the right to break into his room and most importantly, they don't have the right to destroy his things which means a lot to him.

"What a fucking audacity you have to ignore us. Now you are not even answering us? You lied to us, played with us and made us fools with your unbelievable acting skills. You deserve a grand award for that, betrayer." Jungkook yelled and Jimin no longer has the patience to take this anymore.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Jimin yelled and their eyes widened at his raised tone. Jimin is not someone to yell at anyone, no matter the situation. He is always calm and collected. They didn't even hear him using a word to offend someone. He is always kind and friendly.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP" He yelled again when Tae tried to open his mouth to say something. "Don't you dare talk to me again, never." He snapped.

"Wow, so you get to yell at us when you are at fault-" Tae scoffed as he tried to yell back at him but was stopped by an even more angry Jimin and for the first time, it scared Tae to talk to Jimin.

"SHUT UP KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin never called him with his full name. They always have their sweet and stupid names to call each other. Tae is not used to this, the Jimin he is seeing now felt new to him and never have he ever saw Jimin, this angry.

"What do you know about me? Who the fuck are you to judge me? Do you know what I have been through?" Jimin started crying again and now they are even seeing him cry, which was never happened before.

They were all just frozen in their places and didn't dare to utter a word. The sight of Jimin completely broken and crying so hard infront of them, made their mouths shut. He clutched his chest as he fell to the ground and cried his heart out.

Hobi walked to him and sat beside him. He hesitated to reach Jimin but placed his hand on youngers back when he didn't receive any yells or glares. Hobi knew Jimin for almost two now, they were like brothers and he knew Jimin might have his reasons but he didn't thought his reasons were strong enough to make him cry.

He soothed Jimin's back to calm him down and minutes later Jimin stopped crying as he just stared at the big picture frame with him, the man and woman with the black haired girl. After some time Jimin started to speak again.

"He is Moon Heejoon, my dad's personal secretary." Jimin pointed to the man in the picture. All his friends looked at him and at the picture, paying attention to him.

"My parents are the real owners of JM constructions. I was the only child and was spoiled by my rich family. My parents were always busy with their work and never paid attention to me. At first, it didn't bother me because I always had what I wanted"

"Later, as I grew up, I started feeling lonely and always craved for their attention. I was good at my studies, sports and all the activities, I had ever did. I always chased for the first position in everything I did. I thought it would make my parents proud and they will spend time with me and praise me, like other kids parents did. But I was always ignored and their wealth was more important for them than me"

"Mr. Moon was always be there for me, when I cried and when I was hurt. He understood me and he took care of me like his own son. I started feeling less lonely and from then on I got very attached to him. I used to go to his house and spend days there having the best of fun. My parents didn't even bothered to know where I was going or what I was doing-"

"When I was nine, my parents died in an accident. I was left alone with all the cruel board members, they tried to adopt me to have all the properties and our company to themselves. Some even tried to kill me but Mr. Moon fought for me. He filed a case on the board members, for them to be responsible for any kind of damage caused to the company or any harm happens to me-"

"He went to all other investors to change the board members that were against the company, to make new allies and he worked hard to bring the new investors. He even fought for the case of my adoption and I chose him to adopt me-"

"Everything changed in my life when I went with him after the adoption. His wife Moon Soyul is just like him." Jimin pointed at the woman in the picture.

"She always cared for me just like she did for her daughter. She filled the empty space of mother in my life. She is always super protective over me and always there to help me become a stronger person-"

"She would yell at me when I did naughty things, she would always feed me whenever I would sulk over the things and refused to eat. She would always praise me for being first in everything and she would always brag about my ranks and medals to her friends."

Jimin smiled at the memories of Mrs. Moon being proud of him and wouldn't stop talking about him.

"She would always throw parties just to tell everyone about me getting first in the class until everyone feel annoyed by her bragging. She always bought me presents and gifts to celebrate every little event. The love she showed, made me forget about my own mother-"

"I thought, my parents were taken away from me to be gifted with these parents to show me what real love feels like. I was never loved by my parents like I was loved my Moon's family. I was just there in their company name but not in their lives. I resented God and my parents for bringing me into this world when both of them didn't want to be with me-"

"But my life changed for better and I was more thankful for Moon's family for bringing me into their little family which is equal to the whole world to me. I was so happy to be with them, I was so happy to have a family, happy to experience what a mother and father's love feels like and to experience what a real love feels like."

Jimin kept the picture aside and picked up another picture of him and the black haired girl. He caressed the girls face on the picture as he smiled sadly, with tears rolling down his eyes. The next words he spoke, made everyone's mouth fell open and Yoongi's heart brake.

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