8. Our First Kiss

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Savannah's POV

It's Friday and I've pretty much gotten used to living with the three children. The way they live is actually quite mature, believe me, or not. They're actually clean!

Nothing too interesting has happened yet but last night Callum sent me a few videos of him jerking off to completion, accompanied by that masculine sound he makes when he came. Normally I don't like the dick pictures he sends me but when he sent the video, it turned me on. Callum asked for some pictures in return, which he always does, and I was so close to sending them last night. But I stopped myself and went to sleep instead.

When I was getting changed for college, I thought about Callum last night and I could feel myself getting wet. Which is strange because I've never get wet over anyone, especially not like this. I'm so glad that I had no maths today, just for the sake of avoiding Callum. I would've been so embarrassed, even though he would've had no idea that he actually turned me on.

It's the end of school and I've got to rush back home so that Theo can teach me some maths. He's hardly been free this week so our first session is today. I hope he doesn't think I'm hopeless and decides that I'm too hard to teach.

I walk into the house and this beautiful blonde haired girl with bright green eyes strolls towards the door, she shoots me a stunning smile which makes her face even prettier to look at and then walks out of the house. Wow, who is that girl? It'll probably be one of the boys' girlfriend, but I thought they're all single. I'll ask Theo about It.

I knock on his door and wait for an answer. "Come in." I walk in and he ushers me to another door in his room. Every time I've seen that door I thought it was a closet but it turns out, it's a whole study room. There's one desk with two laptops, a printer and two chairs. Then there's another larger desk on the other side of the room which is full of pens and paper. There's also a bookshelf stood at the back of the room. Yes, a bookshelf. This guy just continues to amaze me.

My mouth reaches the floor. "Woah, I didn't know you had this room."

He chuckles whilst locking the door behind us. "My whole life is based on studying so I need to make room for it somewhere."

"I didn't know you were that dedicated to education."

"Well it's part of my job, I have to be."

"You work so hard."

He smirks. "Well, are you going to sit down or what?" I've been so mesmerised by the room that I didn't notice Theo is already sat at his desk.

I hastily walk up to the seat opposite him and sit down. "Sorry."

"Don't be, okay let's start."

After an hour and a half of him teaching me, I have to say that I feel pretty confident. He's already helped me understand so much, he's given me new tips on the topic and shows me how they're adapted to exam questions. I'm astonished Theo's made it so simple for me because normally I don't ever understand how teachers work out a formula.

I'm so happy and the smile that's plastered on my face gives it away. "Thank you so much, I'm shocked at how easy you make it."

He laughs. "Was it not what you expected?"

"Maths is never easy and you make it manageable."

He shrugs. "Hmm, I guess you find shortcuts and easier ways of doing something when you practice more."

Something comes into my mind that I should've asked him earlier. "Oh, who was that girl with the blonde hair that walked out of the house just before I started?"

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