11. Internal Conflict

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Savannah's POV

Last night was one of a kind. When me and Theo shared the kiss it felt deep, like there was a meaning behind it. He also said sweet things, making me fall harder for him. I'm sure he likes me, he has already kissed me and he hinted that we were in a relationship. I think we definitely need to talk about it. I want him to be clear with me about what we are now.

Just before I am about to sleep, I have a realisation that what I'm doing is wrong. I've betrayed Adam and I'm continuing to betray him without giving it a second thought. I know I've failed as a sister and I need self-control. But Theo is addicting and I think he feels the same way about me, well I hope so. I remember when he told me initially that he wouldn't touch me because I'm Adam's sister, looks like he failed on that too.

Another thing that's bothering me is what Callum saw last night, Theo and I kissing. I don't know what came over me but when I was with Theo I forgot about Callum entirely. That's so stupid of me because now Callum obviously thinks I'm with Theo. And with this information, he can ruin what we have. I'm surprised he didn't go crazy or tell Adam but at the same time I'm so relieved.

Enough of that, today I'm going to my friend's, Rosanna's, house. Where I will meet up with the other girls Sophia and Mackenzie.

I've been friends with Rosanna for 7 years now. Rosanna is definitely the prettiest of the group. Her facial features are perfect big eyes, big lips and a small nose, her jawline and cheekbones are sharply defined. She usually wears a lot of makeup, and she's insanely good at it too, it suits her a lot. With and without makeup she's stunning. Rosanna's hair is long, curly and thick, a deep brown colour, it really suits her golden brown skin. Her personality is amazing too, she'll stick up for anybody, that's why she's my favourite out of the group. She gets a lot of attention, I would say the most out of the others. But she ignores all the men because she's currently trying for an older guy. I guess a bit like me, however, Rosanna knows what she wants and I'm completely clueless.

Sophia is also really gorgeous. She has small features. Her hair is golden blonde, long and always curled beautifully. She countlessly wears extensions to keep her hair looking fuller, her natural hair is extremely thin and short. Sophia likes looking her best, I don't think I've ever seen her natural and I've been friends with her for a year. She gets quite a lot of attention from the guys and she loves it. She has slept with a lot of guys, most of them use her. Her personality is nice, she's one of the kindest, sweetest person I know. But she's unloyal, she doesn't care about other peoples feelings when it benefits her. It's evident as she has cheated so much in her past relationships.

Mackenzie is another one of our friends, however, she only comes into the group a few times as she jumps from many friendship groups. Probably to get as much information as she can from anyone, all she does is gossip.

Anyways, enough about them. Time to get ready. I change into my ripped light blue jeans, a white top that's knotted at the front and a leather jacket. I knock on Adam's door and walk in but he's nowhere to be seen, therefore, I head into Theo's room who is sat on his bed reading a book. He looks so attractive. "Hey just in case you all wonder where I am. I'm going to my friend's house."

Theo looks away from his book for the first time and up to me. "What about tutoring?"

"Oh, I meant to cancel, sorry. Bye." I wave and run away before he tries to give me a lecture.

I drive to Rosanna's house and hug her as soon as I come in. "Hey, girl." She hugs me back.

"Hey, is anyone here yet?"

"Sophia is but we're still waiting for Mac. Come on let's go up to my room." We both run up and I see Sophia and hug her.

"Hey, are you good?"

She hugs me back. "Yeah Sav, are you?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Half an hour later of exchanging juicy gossip and being shook over the information we were retrieving, Mackenzie texts to say she is unable to see us. 

Sophia gets up from the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom so I'll be back in a sec." She walks out the door.

The biggest topic talk begins by Rosanna. "So, how are things with Callum?" She raises her brows at me.

"Things are good. He's cute." I so lied, I want to tell her the full story but I don't think it'll be right to tell her. I'll tell her some parts later but not all. Especially not in front of Sophia because she'll deliberately come to my house to hit on the guys.

"Aww good. Guess what Sophia said to me."

I stop playing with my hair. "What?"

"She told me 'I don't think Callum would go for Savannah because she's quiet and shy'." Rosanna pulls a face while she imitates Sophia.

I follow her and pull a face too. "Um, what the fuck?"

"I know she's a hater."

"I mean he's texting me not her so that already proves her wrong."

"I know. I don't understand her problem."

"Me too! She should be excited for me, not this."

Sophia walks in and me and Rosanna act like nothings happened. Then she starts to talk. "Oh, are you all going to Grace's party?"

"Oh my God, yeah. When is it?" Rosanna says enthusiastically.

"It's on Wednesday and she said to start coming at 9ish."

I start. "Yeah I'm going, Callum's going too and he is begging me to go." Just a sly note to give Sophia the idea that Callum likes me.

"Good you should go, what are you all wearing?" The rest of the day is spent messing around and doing each other's makeup.

When I get home I head straight to my room and lie on the bed. I feel quite hurt, to be honest, why would Sophia think I have no chance? She should be encouraging me. It's not like I get attention from guys anyways and she's here talking behind my back. I feel hopeless, why can't she be happy for me? I'm so grateful I have Rosanna who is real with me.

I open my phone for the first time in forever and realise Theo sent me an image about an hour ago. I open it and I see a picture of him taking a selfie over the desk with the empty chair in front of him. With the caption. "Missing you :(" It makes me smile. I've just realised, whenever I feel upset or mad or depressed he's always there, at the end of the day, making me feel cheerful again.

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