23. Tests

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Savannah's POV

Beep beep beep. The sound of my alarm sets off announcing to me that it's 7:00 am.

"Yeah, just 5 more minutes." I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. I'm too exhausted to wake up at this time.

5 minutes later my alarm goes off again. "Ugh." I reach out to turn off my alarm but it's not there. 

I sit up and see my mum at the end of the bed with my alarm in her hand. "Read the time."

I squint my eyes as I do so and read 7:45 pm. "Shit." I spring out of bed and run to the bathroom.

As I do so I hear my mum laugh. "I knew this was going to happen."

After doing my business in the bathroom I wear the same clothes I wore yesterday and try to do as much makeup as I could in 5 minutes, remembering to conceal the hickeys.

I run downstairs, shove in as many books and pens as I could in my bag and head into the kitchen to grab the toast that's placed neatly on a plate and stride towards the door.

I hear my dad cry in pain behind me. "That's my toast!"

"I'm sorry dad, I need it more. Love you. Bye"

I run out of the house and into my car.

When I reach to college, I go to the bathroom to check how I look today and I see Rosanna applying a deep red lipstick. "Hey Rosanna, what are you doing here?"

"Hey darl, I came to school late so I was like there's no point going to form."

"Yeah, same."

She stops applying her lipstick and places it in her bag. "Have you heard about Callum?"

"What happened?" Please don't say what happened yesterday has leaked out already.

"You should see his face! I only saw him for a quick second but still." She begins to brush and play with her hair.

"Why what's on it?"

"He's literally filled with nothing but bruises. Black and blue all over."

"How?" Theo only hit him once or twice and I doubt they were as hard as to leave bruises all over his face.

"I don't know. People are saying that he got rushed by people randomly and other people are saying he got robbed and I heard another one say that it happened because he didn't pay back his drug dealer."

"Nah I doubt that. I don't know."

"Try and find out Savannah. You're close to him."

"I stopped speaking to him after the whole Sophia thing."

She turns to me. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, it's good to just stay away."

The school bell rings making us silent for 3 seconds until it stopped.

"Which lesson are you in now?"

Rosanna grabs her bag and puts it over her shoulder. "I have a free period so I might just go out with bae."

"Oooo have fun, you best update me."

"I will babe, thank you. What do you have?"

"English then double maths, ugh."

Her face lights up as she has a realisation. "Isn't Callum in your class?"

"Yeah, it's going to be major awks."

She pulls a grimacing face. "Well good luck and head out, you're going to be late." She puts both of her hands on my back and pushes me towards the door.

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