42. Gunshot

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Savannah's POV

When three very close people have guns aimed towards me and the feel of cold metal resting against my temple the whole room freezes.

I clench my eyelids together allowing my tears to run quicker from my eyes. I've been scared so many times in my life but today is different. I'm not ready to die.

Just the image of Adam, Theo and Matt handling guns with comfort scares me. I'm sure they won't hesitate to use it too which worries me. 

Carlo speaks. "I knew this was coming. The question was when?"

"It's three against one. Let her go." Matt says whilst glancing between Carlo and me continuously.

"If you even step closer towards me I'll pull the trigger."

"Why are you even involving the girl?" Theo winces whilst clutching the side of his stomach. "She doesn't deserve it."

"Because I want to. You don't speak to me or I'll shoot her. I need to listen to someone mature." Carlo's tone saddens in a way. "Adam? I thought we were good?"

Adam speaks calmly compared to the other two. "She's my sister. I can't leave her with you."

Carlo must've not liked his answer as his grip on my neck tightens. "You can say I'm disappointed in you Adam. You're not taking advantage of your skills."

"So you're telling me that in order to take advantage of my skills I need to allow you to take Savannah away and possibly kill her?"

"Possibly, however, let's focus on something else." The gun on my temple is slid down my face slowly and placed under my chin. "Do you really want to know how I caught on?" He doesn't wait for an answer. "You came randomly into the room without a knock or one of my men with you. You came in with smiles and in a friendly manner considering I forced you to leave yesterday. However, when I saw you punching Theo I put it to the back of my mind. As I saw blood running from Theo's face after you punched him I was very impressed but the last punch you gave was to the stomach so when I saw the patch of blood on his shirt I got confused. I knew there was something behind it. When you offered your hand it to shake it was the complete opposite hand than you usually use. You didn't acknowledge or sympathise for Savannah even though you were determined to get me away from her yesterday. I knew it was adding up to something but looks like you failed at your plan anyway." If I could see Carlo's face I know that he would have a smug expression.

Matt tilts his head back in annoyance. "Well done, do you want a fucking medal for that?"

Theo and Adam turn to him in anger whilst I'm there in shock.

"One day that idiotic mouth of yours will get you killed. Actually, I might shoot you right now."

"No, you won't because as soon as you move the gun away from Savannah there'll be a bullet through your brain." Oh my god. Matt is on thin ice.

"I never did like you Matt, you always come up with the most unrealistic expectations."

"Why don't you try it then we'll see if they're so 'unrealistic'."

Carlo's grip loosens a bit, Matt must be distracting him. I slowly try to pull his arm away. However, he must've caught on as he pushes me against him further.

"I've had enough of speaking to a boy who has an undeveloped brain."

I hear Matt mumble to Adam which I can hear. "Undeveloped brain? What the fuck?"

"This was nice but Savannah and I have a flight to catch, I hope we get a chance to talk again," Carlo says sarcastically. "Step any closer to me and I'll shoot her."

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