Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes 



"Haha... You're funny." Izuku chuckled, looking down to his beer.

"I'm serious."

The greenette winced, looking up to ruby red eyes.


Although this Katsuki Bakugou was charming, and nice... There was no way he was going to move in with some random stranger, who was practically offering to become his Sugar Daddy. The greenette giggled nervously, looking down to his drink. Sudden fear overtook him. He hadn't paid for the drink... What if Katsuki drugged it, before he gave it to him?

Midoriya's eyes widened as he suddenly felt dizzy. He looked around, the room beginning to spin. The music began to fade and voices around him began to sound muffled. He looked up again, eyes meeting the familiar blurry blonde. He could tell Bakugou was talking to him, but he couldn't make out the words.

The greenette blinked, trying to come back to reality. However, it only made it worse. His vision was fading, his mind racing and his breathing turning into hyperventilation. This was bad. Real bad.

The drink wasn't drugged. He knew what was happening, it's happened before. Only, he's always had his friend or mother with him. Now, he's alone. He's never had this bad of a panic attack alone before.

"Izuku! Are you okay? Hey- Look at me!" Bakugou called, crouching next to the panicking greenette. He didn't know his words would have such an effect on the small male. He was trying to be nice, trying to imagine what Midoriya could have been through. How a Straight-A student, trying his best to become a doctor, sloop down to a Stripper's level. It didn't make sense. The story wasn't adding up. With his Café job, he was making more than enough, if he put on more shifts. He had no reason to cut his Café shifts, only to strip during the night. Something was wrong, really wrong.

"Izuku!! Come on- Look at me! What's happening?" Bakugou panicked, gently holding the male in his arms. He was shaking pretty badly, his breathing very quick. This wasn't normal. "I'm sorry! Hey- I didn't mean to make you panic! Come on!"

The blonde continued to cradle the smaller boy, looking around to the crowd. Nobody had even looked their way. No one had noticed the situation in the background. Nobody except for one black-haired man, who was rushing towards them from through the crowd. Before Bakugou knew it, he was shoved back. He landed on his lower back, groaning at the pain as this unknown man took Izuku into his arms.

"Relax, relax Izu. You're okay, you're alright. I'm here, you're not alone. Come on- You're fine. Everything's alright. You're okay. Okay? Look at me. Come on, look at me... Good." The man frantically spoke, immediately earning the greenette's panicked attention. "See, you're alright. It's me. Come on, you're perfectly fine. Okay? Relax, relax. You're alright."

Several minutes passed before Izuku's breathing calmed down. He still seemed a little disoriented, clinging onto the black-haired man as if his life depended on it. Ratchet was the man's name, and Katsuki knew it. He had heard the greenette repeat it often during his meltdown, which led him to figure it out.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." The small male sobbed, stuffing his face into the older man's chest. Bakugou watched, a little lost in what had happened. He thought this was his fault, since Midoriya started panicking directly after Katsuki had offered wild idea. He didn't want to sound weird, offering it. He just thought the greenette was dealing with something else. Something darker. He was definitely hiding something, and Bakugou knew it. He just had to figure out what. Which was the reason he was offering help to the greenette. Although, now that he thinks about it, he could've sounded a little friendlier, and not as creepy.

"Did you have any doing in this?" The man named Ratchet suddenly asked, turning his head to face Katsuki. The blonde froze, not knowing what to say. He felt horrible. He truly did. He never meant for such a horrible thing to happen. Before the man had the time to start accusing Bakugou, he felt a nudge against his chest, which led him to look down and meet his worker's emerald orbs.

"No, it's not him." Midoriya mumbled, clearly back to himself. He struggled to stand up, a little shaken by his episode. It took him a few minutes to explain to his boss, telling him everything was alright, and that he just had a lot on his mind for the past few days. Before he knew it, he was alone again, with his date. Everything had turned out fine, even after his over-exaggerated panic attack. He sat down in his booth again, the blonde joining him. Their eyes met; Katsuki clearly confused.

"I'm sorry, this happens often. It has nothing to do with what you said, don't worry." Izuku apologized, seeing a sudden relieved look on the blonde's face.

"I see. What... What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" Katsuki questioned, stirring his beer. Izuku awkwardly smiled, unsure whether he should respond to his question.

"A panic attack. They've always been really bad for me. Even doctors don't understand how it could be this bad. I've never had one here. It usually happens when I start overthinking, or my body sort of overheats from the stress I've been dealing with, during the days prior." Midoriya explained, Bakugou clearly interested by what he was hearing.

"Oh, makes sense. Was it... My offer, that triggered it? I'm sorry if it's weird. I guess I could've phrased it better. What I meant was, I want to be here for you. I have a feeling that you're dealing with a lot of dark shit... Your panic attack just proved it to me. So, I'm offering help to you. You see, I work as a therapist." Bakugou cleared up. Immediately, Izuku's face lit up. He sighed, a large smile appearing as he started to giggle quietly.

"Oh- Oh! You're a therapist." He laughed, loudly. "I see- I thought you were offering to be my Sugar Daddy or something." The greenette continued to laugh, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Bakugou couldn't help but smile at their funny misunderstanding, knowing they'd laugh about it more in the future.

"Yeah." He snickered, taking a sip of his beer. He waited until his date calmed down from his fit of laughter, before adding on. "I just want you to know, you're not alone. Whatever you're dealing with, you can share it with me." The blonde continued, trying his best to seem approachable. Apparently, it worked, since he received an adorable smile from the freckled male.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Midoriya spoke gently, he too, taking a sip of his beverage.

An awkward silence roamed, nothing but music being heard. Izuku was the one to break the silence.

"You wanna go for a walk?"


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