Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes



Izuku sighed in disappointment as he walked off towards his bedroom. He'd been staying with his father for over a week now and had been rejected by him over ten times. He had asked Hisashi to play ball with him, or simply watch television. He had asked him countless times to spend time together, but the man always claimed he was busy. He'd often go out with Mia and the kids, for lunch, and leave Izuku behind at home.

Midoriya understood that Hisashi had a stronger bond with his current family, but he still felt neglected anyway. He had come here to spend more time with his father whom he had missed dearly, yet he hadn't had much time with him. It was very disappointing, and somewhat made Izuku's heart ache.

Tonight, for example, Izuku decided to ask him father once again to play catch with him. Hisashi was quick to find himself a chore to do, even though he was obviously not busy. It was getting quite obvious that his father was avoiding him. And it hurt the small male deeply. He knew he had to return to Japan in less than five days. Yet he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with his father, even though it was clear Hisashi didn't feel the same way at all.

"You alright?"

Izuku looked up to Katsuki, who was sitting on his bed, reading a book. The bed they had been sharing for over seven days. Midoriya smiled and nodded, shrugging softly as he laid down next to the blonde. He positioned himself on his stomach, stuffing his face in a pillow. He felt guilty for dragging Katsuki along with him, only to see somebody who didn't want to see him at all. It was almost a waste of time. Hisashi had been so nice and affectionate with both boys on their first day there. But the next day, everything changed. He started acting as if they were invisible, ignoring both of them completely.

"What's wrong?" Katsuki asked once more, tapping Izuku's back. The small male rolled over, trying his best not to fall off the mattress. He looked up to worried crimson eyes, before answering his friend.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." He apologized, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Bakugou suddenly jolted up, throwing his book aside.

"Sorry? Deku, I chose to come along with you, as a friend." Katsuki explained, watching as Midoriya sat comfortably at the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, but... My dad's just wasting your time, now. I came all the way here for nothing. I was hoping he'd actually want to be a part of my life now. But I'm started to realize why my mom broke up with him. He's not a good father at all." Midoriya sobbed. "I just don't understand. He didn't want to raise me. Yet, he ran off, and here he is, raising Karsen and Kylie. What's so different? Was I that complicated to raise? He couldn't have done the same with me?" The greenette rambled, tears flowing down his freckled face. Bakugou choked, unsure of what to reply. He simply pulled Izuku into a hug, rubbing his back in circular motions in an effort to comfort him.

"Aren't I good enough?" The small male continued to whine, the words clawing at Katsuki's heart in a painful manner. He opened his mouth to answer, but the words never came out. His throat was clogged.

"Why doesn't he want me?"

These words stung Katsuki deeply.

"Because he's a blind jerk." The blonde managed to choke out. He wasn't sure if those were the right words to say, but those were the ones that came out.

"He's my dad- He gave me life. He's supposed to love me. Why doesn't he? Am I that hard to love? What's wrong with me? Fuck-" The last word came out as a broken sob. It was then that the small male started sobbing uncontrollably, trembling in his friend's arms. Katsuki clenched his fists, feeling mad towards Izuku's shitty parent. Hisashi was acting immaturely. Very immaturely.

"Nothing's wrong with you, Izuku. Like I said, he's a blind jerk. Look at me-" The blonde spoke, tilting the greenette's head upward. His eyes landed into Izuku's flooded emerald orbs, making his heart shatter inside his chest. "You're the most lovable person I've ever met. Hell- From the minute I met you, I loved you. I still do. Fuck- You're awesome, and you don't deserve a dad like him. Alright? Listen to me; You're worth so much, Izuku. And he's not worth your time. I know it's hard for you, wanting to see him after so long and being treated like shit, like this. It's rough, I get it. But you don't need shit like him in your life." Bakugou explained, losing track of what he was saying. He didn't know if what he said even made sense. All he was concentrated on was making his friend feel better. He watched as the freckled man stuffed his face back onto his chest, his trembling ceasing as small sniffles were heard.

"Thanks." Izuku whispered, sitting up straight. He wiped away a few tears, scoffing at how childish his meltdown had been. His mind suddenly trailed off to the words Katsuki had just spoken, making a smile crawl onto his lips.

"Did you just say you love me?" Izuku chuckled, looking over to a flushed Bakugou. "Is that your confession to me?" The small male giggled, making a flustered smile crawl onto the blonde's lips.

"Shut up. And so, what if it is?" Katsuki cackled, making Izuku burst into a fit of laughter. The two laughed for a bit until everything became silent once more.

"Is it, though?" Izuku asked again, now hesitant. He looked over with a smirk, eyes landing on Bakugou, who was smiling too.

"It is." Katsuki muttered, his words barely audible. It made Izuku flush red, giggling in embarrassment. He felt like a flustered sixth grade girl. It was almost funny, this situation he was in. Only, it was a little awkward.

They both looked over at each other, making eye contact before laughing once more. It made them both feel a little better. A little too better. Their minds both seemed to stop functioning as they started to lean in, their lips brushing against each other. Midoriya closed his eyes, making up his mind to fully lean in, closing the gap between them. Only, before he had the chance to do so, the moment was ruined by a small squeak from the doorway.

"Ew." Karsen whined.


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