Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes




The small greenette flinched, looking over to his teacher. 

"You can go now, class is over." The man spoke, hesitant. Midoriya awkwardly smiled, looking around the empty classroom. He gathered his things, storming out. His mind had been blurry, ever since that night he had spent with such a charming blonde. He remembered the therapist's offer, on being there to listen. He wanted to open up to someone and tell them about his feelings. But he felt so damn whiny, every time he did. 

How is he supposed to explain? 

Explain that he's no stripping for university bills?

Explain that his father had left when he was 10, and promised to visit him on holidays? 

How is he supposed to explain that his father never kept his promise, and that they hadn't spoken in over a decade? 

How is he supposed to explain that he thinks his own parent doesn't want anything to do with him, anymore? 

Explain that he's trying to afford a plane ticket, to go visit him and clear things up?

Explain that he's stressing far too much on someone that clearly doesn't give a damn about him anymore. 

Izuku sighed, walking off into the streets. He made his way towards his apartment, thoughts swarming inside his head. His father had left when he was ten years old. He hadn't seen him since. He remembered how Hisashi Midoriya promised to see him on every holiday, and every birthday. And even though Izuku had invited him to every special event, he had never come. Not once. His birthdays, his graduations, Christmas... He hadn't seen the older man in ages.

He figured Hisashi didn't want to speak to him, anymore, since he would rarely ever make time for calls too. He's probably too busy with his new wife, and new kids. 

Midoriya frowned at the thought of his stepsiblings, which he had never met. He knew about Karsen, who was twelve, and Kylie, who was 5. Apparently, his father's wife was also expecting another daughter, soon. How does he know? Well, he stalked his father on Facebook, after he never accepted his friend request. 

Any normal person would probably hate their dad, by now. But Izuku couldn't bring himself to do so. He remembered all the evenings he spent, playing catch in his backyard together. He remembered how his father was there for him, when he peed himself on the first day of kindergarten. He remembered how he turned every rough situation into something funny. Every now and then, Midoriya wished he was still around. Maybe then, life wouldn't be so hard. 

The greenette wiped away a tear, which he hadn't even noticed was leaking. He cleared his throat, making his way through the streets. He was so close to his goal. A plane ticket was only a few hundred bucks away- That's one more night at the strip club. The greenette smirked, thinking about his upcoming weekend. If he really reaches his goal, maybe he could go visit Hisashi in the next few days. Hopefully. 

The small boy groaned, wiping away the tears that he desperately tried to fight back. He's usually good at hiding his sadness, or stress. But for the past few days, he's been so emotional- There's definitely something wrong. Which is why Izuku had been considering actually going to see the certain blonde, who had claimed he was a therapist. Maybe then, he could live a little better. 

Midoriya shook his head in disbelief, pulling out his phone. He clicked on the blonde's name, hearing the phone ring. Within five seconds, it picked up. 

"Yellow." A certain familiar voice spoke. Izuku scoffed at the silly word, knowing damn well that's how Katsuki always pronounced his Hello

"Hi... Are you working?" Midoriya asked, leaning against a building. He heard the blonde shift around, at the other end of the line. 

"Nope- Just cleaning up at my place. Why? What's up?" He questioned, making Izuku smile. 

"I can't afford any therapist shit, right now. But... As a friend, do you think you can just... Listen? I have a lot of shit I need to get off my chest. And I need advice about someone that's been putting all this stress on me for the past decade. Do you think you have time? If not, that's okay too-" Izuku rambled, knowing he'd regret his decision to call his new friend. However, his speaking was cut short by a loud voice. 

"Sure! I don't mind at all. You know my address; you can come by any time." Katsuki spoke, earning a giggle from the freckled male. Bakugou was right, they had texted each other their addresses, when they wanted to hang out, a few days earlier.

"Alright, I should be there in about ten minutes." The short male spoke, beaming a smile. 

"Okie-Dokie, darling. I'll be waiting." He heard the blonde say, in a country accent, before hanging up. Midoriya couldn't help but laugh at his idiotic friend, and how he never failed to cheer him up. He quietly stuffed his phone in his bag, smiling widely as he made his way down the streets. His smile faded, though, once the thought of his father crowded his mind again. He sighed, knowing he'd be able to get it off his chest, in not too long. 

Katsuki Bakugou might have acted strange, on their first date, but that didn't matter. He turned out to be an amazing guy. He came by to the strip club, whenever he had the chance, and it wasn't to watch him strip. He usually sat in the back and waited to Midoriya to get done, so they could spend some time together. They also went out for dinner, once or twice too. Their hangouts never lasted long, but Izuku enjoyed every one of them. 

But not as much as he liked Katsuki.


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